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No hardware details - Asus Sabertooth


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My motherboard has 6 fan headers, bit only 2 are listed in PC Monitor... Fan 1 and Fan 3 respectively. It also has quite a few Temperature sensors but again only showing a few of them.

This used to show pretty much everything on previous versions, so not sure what has changed. I have reinstalled Windows 7 64bit Ent, but is still the same. Is there anything I can do to check the sensors are being picked up correctly, registry entries perhaps?

Failing this, is it possible to download earlier versions that seeme to be more compatible with my Motherboard?

I love this application, it really does help... So thank you! Just hope I can get it working perfectly again.

Kind regards,


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  • 2 years later...

Hi Marius,


I guess this never got added? I am now using an Asus Sabertooth Z170 board with an i7 Skylake..... exactly the same issue. All I see are hard drives under "Hardware".


So again, are we able to access earlier version that worked previously? I have an Intel NUC for my home automation, and that one works perfectly fine. I would happily pay for the software instead of using the free version, if it would only work the way it used to :(





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Hi Chris,

Yes, Open Hardware Monitor see's pretty much everything.... I am currently trying to write a plugin in C# but so far have only managed to get the hardware names into a list.

This is a slow process, im a network engineer for a reason :)

However, while OHM correctly identifies the Mobo, along with CPU, GPU etc, it still doesn't show CPU Temp

I really hope this helps :)



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