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Wake on LAN works Wake on WAN Doesn't


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I've been trying to turn on my computer when I'm away from the house using both mobile data and another WiFi connection. When I'm on the same network the wake up command works but if I'm using mobile data I'll get the message "Wake up command failed" and when I'm on another network it says "wake up command sent" but nothing happens. I have the necessary port forwarded (UDP 9) and through the Pulseway android app port monitor I can see it works. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by NadeCatcher
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Staff

Hi @NadeCatcher,

At first please verify that the magic packets which are sent to wake your system is received by your local network. You may install Wireshark to determine this or if your router supports the option to do the network traffic capture, then you can do the same using this option. The WOL command is sent from your Phone if your Phone is connected to the local network. Also, if there are more than 1 system into the same network, then WOL command is sent from the system in that network.

However this functionality should work via the Mobile Data even if there are no other systems into the same network. The issue in this case might be that Magic packets are not received by your rooter or these packets are not properly forwarded on the router.

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  • 7 months later...


I know this is a long gone topic, but i do manage to work the wake on wan feature of the app thats why i love the app. However, a couple of weeks now, the feature suddenly stop working, not sure if the update cause this (both machine and the app) or just they stop the feature unless you are in premium. 

Please do enlighten us with this one.  

Edited by RyanDR
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