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Possible Bug - Annual Renewals


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Hi guys,

I think I may have mentioned this previously, but I see there is a new section here for the PSA. We're having troubles with the annual renewals on services. They will only show up as billable at the start/end of the year, not necessarily when the contact actually started. I.E. An annual contract starting on 01/08/15 will be billed on the last day of the year or the first day of the next year rather than every 1st of August.

Many thanks,


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1 hour ago, Chris said:

Hi Martin,

Have you tried to use the Recurring Services contract to achieve this.

Hi Chris,

We are using the recurring services contracts but they only appear to bill out on the 1st or last day of the year.

Many thanks,

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4 hours ago, Chris said:

If you are using the recurring services contract, then you can choose the 'Billing Cycle':

  1. contract length 
  2. weekly
  3. monthly
  4. quarterly
  5. yearly

Hi Chris,

We're happy with how to use it, my point is that it's not working correctly.



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41 minutes ago, Marius said:

Hi Martin,

An update on this: It's not a bug, this is how the yearly works. If you want to bill starting the Contract Start Date and not the Financial Fiscal Years, you will have to use Billing Period = Contract Length.

Hope this helps!


Hi Marius,

Ideal! Thank you very much for the clarification :) 


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