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Installed System doesn't appear in Dashboard


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Hello everybody

A monitored server was offline in Dashboard all the time. Tried to reinstall --> no change.

Delete device from dashboard and reinstalled again. Device is activated and even connected to, (Test notifications and validating account is working to.) But it still doesn't appears in Dashboard or mobile app and so we aren't able to perform any action on this device.

In addition to that we are encountering this problem:

When i try to establish performance counters I'm getting this:


"Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: PCMonitorManager.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5598214a
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ZIPPerformance64.dll, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x546d2dc8"


This dll is belonging to EXTREMZ-IP AFP Services


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This is not a bug.

Something prevents your agent from connecting to our servers. It could be an antivirus, firewall or proxy.

Enable the diagnostic logging in Pulseway Manager, restart the Pulseway service, wait about a minute then send the trace.log file from the Pulseway installation folder to support at pulseway dot com.




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Hello Marius,

thanks for your first feedback. I don't think that it is no connection because the system always seems to stop at "[Service] Collecting computer information..."

Even temporary disabled firewall didn't help. Another system in this office is connected to your service successfully.

I have taken the trace.log and send it to the support team. I'll try to keep you informed in this topic too.


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