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  1. My Kamailio has gone down twice in the last two weeks and i have not been getting notifications through Pulseway. Above is the Kamailio service in a running state and below is my configuration set up, for that service to be monitored. Any guidance in fixing this problem would be greatly appreciated.
  2. After installing some new software (not related to Pulseway) a reboot was required. As it happens, the server went down and no notifications were sent out. Looking at the Pulseway manager it looked like it was monitoring the server, however i got NO notifications about the downed server. When i ran a service pulseway restart... i quickly got a notification that the server was on-line. That seemed to resolve the problem. My question is why does Pulseway not automatically do a restart when the machine is rebooted? Is this something i need to do every time a server is rebooted? I use Jenkins when i need to run mass jobs on our servers. Should i create a job that restarts the Pulseway service daily to avoid this from happening again? The only downfall with that is i don't want daily notifications that the server us up and running like it would send with the restart. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  3. aisledotnet

    Ubuntu update

    Hi, maybe this is too simple but I'm using for my Ubuntu machine update. Just in case, somebody who also need like me. #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/apt-get -qy update > /dev/null /usr/bin/apt-get -qy dist-upgrade > /dev/null exit 0
  4. Hello, today I was installing the pulseway on my homeserver. Honewer, the cpu load gives wrong cpu load information, this display only 1% alltime. Hardware: Prozesor: Intel Pentium Dual Core E2180 2.0 Ghz ; Motherboard: Asus P5kpl - VM/S ; RAM : 2x 1 Gb 633 mhz ddr2 System: Kubuntu 14.04 32 bit I think, you could help me on that. p.s: I'm very sorry about my englsh experience.
  5. I have MegaRaid controller cards in several of my servers. On my Windows servers I can use an app called MegaRaid Manager that logs errors and other info to the application event log that Pulseway monitors for me wonderfully. However, on my Linux servers the app different, it is called StorCLI. I can get plenty of information from this and even have a log generated but I don't know how to get Pulseway configured to monitor it. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks, Aaron
  6. Hey there, Is there a way to execute a remote command on multiple systems at once for Linux or even Windows systems? Tim
  7. I'm getting an error in the Ping status on my Linux server, running Debian 8 (Linux x86_64 3.16.0-4-amd64 according to the agent info) It says there is an error, but there are no details on what the error is. When I manually ping from the Command Line, it works fine, both from the server itself and from the Webapp terminal. Here are the relevant lines from the config file: <!--Ping - Server: server IP address or hostname--> <Ping Server="" Enabled="true"/> I checked the sample config file, which I copied and edited for my needs, and I noticed there is no </Ping> statement. Most other sections have a starting statement and a closing statement: i.e.: <MonitoredPorts> </MonitoredPorts> Could that be the problem? I also can see that there is a background process with the ping command: root@xxxxxxx ~ # ps aux | grep ping root 16329 0.0 0.0 8464 756 ? S 12:03 0:00 ping So the system is at least trying to ping, but maybe the Pulseway agent is not capturing the output. Any ideas/suggestions/fixes?
  8. Good Afternoon, We have been using your pulse way product on windows machines for a few years now and are very impressed with it, as it’s been a life saver many of times. This week I have tried implementing the monitoring agent on one of our Ubuntu 12.04 LTS boxes which are running a big data platform powered by HPCC Systems. I have pretty much configured it so it will tell me if drive space is low, CPU usage is high, free memory is low, whether the machine is off or on etc., but I am having problems getting it to tell me of these services HPCC components are running : mydafilesrv mydali mydfuserver myeclagent myeclccserver myeclscheduler myesp myroxie mysasha mythor I have been trying to establish initially if these are actually services rather than processes, and have found some commands online to help : List System D Services : ls /lib/systemd/system/*.service /etc/systemd/system/*.service List System V Init Services : service --status-all # for init scripts: ls /etc/init.d/ # for runlevel symlinks: ls /etc/rc*.d/ UP Start initctl list initctl list | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -n1 initctl show-config however the list above does not seem to show up, so I have been doing some trial and error, using each combination in a bid to see the services running on my iPhone, as they currently show as stopped, and cannot be started within the app even though they are running : Here are some things I have tried : <Service Name="myesp" DisplayName="myesp" IsDaemon="true" DaemonType="UPSTART" Path="" StartParameters="" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="true" /> <Service Name="myroxie" DisplayName="myroxie" IsDaemon="true" DaemonType="NONE" Path="" StartParameters="" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="true" /> <Service Name="mysasha" DisplayName="mysasha" IsDaemon="true" DaemonType="SYSVINIT" Path="" StartParameters="" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="true" /> <Service Name="mythor" DisplayName="mythor" IsDaemon="true" DaemonType="SYSTEMD" Path="" StartParameters="" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="true" /> I have done the same with processes e.g. <Service Name="mythor" DisplayName="mythor" IsDaemon="false" DaemonType="NONE" Path="" StartParameters="" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="true" /> The only catch here is I am not passing any start-up parameters like your example showed for NTP, are parameters required do you know? <Service Name="ntpd" DisplayName="NTPD Process" IsDaemon="false" DaemonType="NONE" Path="/usr/sbin/ntpd" StartParameters="-p /var/run/ntp/ntpd.pid -g -u ntp:ntp -i /var/lib/ntp -c /etc/ntp.conf" CanBeStopped="true" Enabled="false" /> I was wondering if you had any advice or pointers that may help, as my Ubuntu / Linux skills are limited. If I get this all working then I will be increasing out license count by at least 50 servers. Thanks in advance Antony
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