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Everything posted by ITiseasy

  1. Where can i find the option for disable session expiration on the Monitor Webapplication? I can only change the Session Timeout with an maximum of 120 minutes.
  2. ITiseasy

    Global Policy

    Hi There all, Is there any way to create an policy for multiple endpoint to notify on any started services? On our schools kids play illegal games and we want to terminate these games when they start them, through pulseway workflows. Herefor we need to see if the service of the game is active. On the computer end we can setup service monitoring but we cannot do this global somehow. Hope someone has an smart idea about this
  3. Hi There, Is there an way to create an Report with all (active) users from the AD via Pulseway?
  4. We from ITiseasy are curious about the development state for MacOS RDP at this moment.Did pulseway started already and yes how far are you guys with this dev.? If not, when do you expect to start dev. this solution?
  5. Hi there, We are using now 2 big screens for different dashboards. Now we need to connect a Windows device to our LG TVs for the dashboard. Are there any plans to create the dashboard webbased? Should be nice in combination with allot of smart screens.
  6. Yes super i see its implemented already. Thanks for this info.
  7. Hi Chris, I know this option exists yes. But the thing is when computers are offline in this system you refer to, we cannot move the computers. That was the item i tryd to mention
  8. I am working with Pulseway now for a while and the thing i would like to add is: Movement of offline devices. I will be nice that we can move a device also if the device is offline. I know this is possible ofcourse but i want to know if this is already on the schedule roadmap.
  9. Everything just worked fine with the upgrade button after the upgrade of the agent. But if you have uninstalled the KAV to process the Windows Update, you need to remove the AV download folder from the Pulseway installation folder. Thanks for the solution Paul
  10. itiseasy.pulseway.com please. Thanks in advance
  11. I dont know when Pulseway is ready to roll-out the update on KAV. But for now if you cant wait, just rollback the Windows Updates
  12. Hi Paul, Thanks for the fast reply and the hard work you guys are doing.
  13. Hi all, i just updated 2 systems to the latest Windows 10 1903 update. Now KAV will not install anymore. We needed to delete the installation of KAV because of the new update (Some conflict at the update on both computers) After installing the new windows 1903 release the Pulseway Webapp is telling at the KAV section "Missing Agent" Does anyone noticed this also and has an solution?
  14. I am in the same position for my customers on MAC and Android. Hope this will be implemented soon. I keep following the forums till then.
  15. Veeam software is a BIG plus. If pulseway can setup a automated vpn and pull the backups from the customer servers will be a nice feature.
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