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Everything posted by dfranciscus

  1. I am having this same issue where Pulseway is not importing my configuration for some reason. Chris could you help me with this? Thanks,
  2. Hello, Is there additional documentation on the details of the Amazon Pulseway module? I am interested in all that can be managed. Also, can you confirm if Pulseway will work on Amazon government cloud?
  3. OK great. I have to say I have been very impressive with how responsive Pulseway support is. Very rare to see as you probably know. Can you tell me if there an ETA on the next release?
  4. Hello, I created a windows agent config file by exporting from an existing installation with the Remote Desktop module installed, but when I use that configuration with a fresh installation Remote Desktop module does not install. Is this normal? Is there something else that needs to be done to have the Remote Desktop module install automatically?
  5. Hello, Is there a method to update the Pulseway windows agent remotely on a workgroup machine? Or is this done automatically after installing Pulseway? Thanks
  6. +1 on this
  7. Thanks Chris. Was this a known bug before I reported it? Just wondering.
  8. Hello, I have found that running chocolatey install or uninstall commands via Powershell through the webapp results in the client showing "offline" in Pulseway. I have experienced this with Windows 7 Professional and Windows 10 Enterprise. After checking the system I dont see any errors in the Application or systems logs and the Pulseway service is still running. I used a command like this "choco install skype -y" which should just install the skype package from the chocolatey repository. After restarting the pulseway service on the client it appears online again, but for me this is quite a problem since I update third party packages via remote powershell and chocolatey. Thanks Dan
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