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Posts posted by kavaa

  1. I made a install script for CCleaner to do a Silent install and clean if needed.

    UPDATED VERSION 3 With auto detect if Invoke-WebRequest exists

    Improvements are welcome!

    When a new version of CCleaner comes out, just change the ccsetup526 to the new value.

    # CCleaner Download / Update Location
    # http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download
    mkdir C:\CCleanerInstall
    Invoke-WebRequest http://download.piriform.com/ccsetup526.exe -OutFile C:\CCleanerInstall\ccsetup526.exe
    Start-Process -FilePath "c:\CCleanerInstall\ccsetup526.exe" -ArgumentList "/S"
    Start-Sleep -s 20
    rm-R -Force C:\CCleanerInstall

    If you want you can also add: 

    Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" -ArgumentList "/CLEANER /AUTO"
    Start-Sleep -s 20

    This will do a Auto Clean with CCleaner

    You can add this to Scripts as a PowerShell Script.

  2. Would be great to have an option when you select multiple systems, to run a script.

    Now that's only possible with a Task...

    But if you just want to run a script on let's say 10 Systems and not 100 in a Group for example. This would be much faster.

    Also you don't need to create a Task for it, so everything stay's cleaner in that way.

  3. Hi,

    We got a linux (Ubuntu) System with some mounted drives form a Synology NAS. 

    The Server has UniFi Video from Ubiquiti installed. This depends on the mount point /media/NVR as mount point.

    When the NAS goes down or there is an other issue where the mounted drive could not be mounted lets say on startup. I would like to receive a notification of that.


    How can i integrate this with Pulseway on Linux?

    The OS drive is not more than 30 Gb.

    So i could say if /media/NVR has less than 30GB of free Space I want to get a notification.

    But I cannot figure out how to set this up, who has done this, or knows how its done?

  4. Hi,


    Is it possible to have options to update:


    • Adobe Flash
    • Adobe Reader
    • Java
    • Firefox
    • Google Chrome
    • Sliverlight
    • VLC Player

    And maybe other programs?

    For there updates we now still need to login to the servers.

    If you could bundle Pulseway with some Scripts to auto update the applications that would be Great.


    I Think that there are more applications that are popular like: CCleaner etc. that many of us use, and do not get updates automatically.

  5. Cloud you make it possible to add multipule accounts to the app.

    I work for multiple companys they all have there own pulseway subscription.

    Now i can only manage one at the time and need to logon and off everytime.

    Cloud you make it possible to add multiple accounts to it? So that we can switch to the account that is needed at that time?

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