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Everything posted by DanieleCusumano

  1. Thank you for your kind support. I'm not sure If I explained well my situation..sorry for my bad english What I'm facing now is this. I now own a 28 pcs scubrscription that will end in november 2012. If I try to upgrade it will start from a minimum of 28 pcs till 200 (or 100) if I'm not wrong. What I can't do is to add lets say 3/5 or more pcs (from a new client) to my actual subscription of 28 pcs and consider those new pcs (having payed) to last for a year time. I think that in this kind of scenario the subscriptions would be more flexible for both you and clients. You becouse you'd get money and clients like me that could add and manage easily more pcs to their subscriptions. Again sorry for my english, I really don't won't to tell you what you have to do but I just think that the actual kind of subscription plans are not so flexible Thank you for your time Daniele
  2. I used to find very nice and easy the old payment straight form the website I was also thinking.. Would it be possible to have an "end subscription date" for each subscription? I'm facing this problem when I sell to my clients the service to keep their machines monitored. Let's say I have a 10 PC subscriptions activated and today I sell to one of my clients a 1 year monitoring service for 4 PCs. In July I sell another 1 year service for 6 PCs. The bad thing is that both of my clients pay my service but I don't have two subscription end dates (of 1 year each). Is this in your plans? Thank you Daniele
  3. email sent )
  4. BUt can I use paypal from the App?
  5. Hi Marius, I'd probably need to upgrade my licenses but I see that there is no more paypal payment option on the website ..
  6. Hi Jeff, for work I've actually tried many laptops, acer, sony, toshiba.. maybe I was not fortunate during years but let me answer for all of them... all the same..grusome. I'm an apple fan so I use Apple and I found I big difference in support for everything they produce.. from iPods to laptops and I can really say..wow..they just know what support means ) And also..the genius bar...a genius invention
  7. Well for sure a kind of dashboard integration for the mobile client would be very nice, giving the possibility to modify configurations always, anywhere and with any platform ) But for now small steps I guess is the right choice like the excellent support from staff
  8. Sent it right now. Daniele
  9. Exactly. Ok I'll try and export it right now and I'll send you it via mail Thanks Daniele
  10. Hi guys, something strange has happened. I had to change a broken HDD on an acer laptop. Everything went ok, I also had a ghost image of the previous HDD so the laptop is working fine. When checking the client form my windows dashboard I run into a "Error in XML Document (1, xxx). The strange thing is that I've checked the pc monitor config right on the laptop and everything seems fine (I also get alerts). So what I did is to uninstall PC Monitor and re-install it. Import a new configuration to try and overwrite the existing one.. but nothing only for this client I keep getting the same error when trying to read its configuration from the dashboard.. Any clue? Thanks Daniele
  11. Absolutely, nothing to do with PC Monitor. I checked the disk's sectors and found out that it really was the HDD. I'll have to get a new one Thanks Paul. Daniele
  12. Ufortunately it is a Sony Vaio Notebook.. that is why I'm really thinking of a HW problem.. Anyhow I'll try and check the data connection.. Thanks Paul
  13. Hi Paul thanks for the info, infact I have quite alot of atapi controller disk errors. Searched for two days on the web and found that it should be a real hardware error.
  14. Probably I guess, When I restart the Windows Machine I can see the log written but at this stage PC Monitor will not know I immagine. If a scenario like this happens how am I able to know via PC Monitor? I was thinking of trapping the off network event and when the machine goes back online to check the windows log event to see if it was a shutdown...
  15. Hi, One of my Windows PC's went down for a disk controller error. One time it restarted and another time it shut down. Checking the windows logs I found the disk controller error event and the Kernel-Power event (both in System log event). I trapped the events in PC Monitor but when all this happened again the only alert from PC Monitor was for the disk controller event but nothing for Kernel-Power. Just to understand. If a windows machine goes down windows has just the right time to log the event but I guess PC Monitor has not got time to alert. If this is right I guess I can't trap the Kernel-Power event. Thanks Daniele
  16. Nop it is a windows app. Ok I'll go for the task Thanks Marius!
  17. Hi again, I'm having difficulty in lunching a software.exe from one of my monitored PC's desktop via Terminal using the following command: START software.exe /max of software.exe START /max the prompt gets back to me with a blank replay (looking like it has lunched the software.exe). Thanks for your time. Daniele
  18. Ops..sorry I've missed this I'll try out! Thanks Daniele
  19. I think it would be great.
  20. Hi, It would be nice to have a report (day/week/month) of the notifications or actions made on the Pcs, and also to have the possibility to send it via email. Thanks! Daniele
  21. Hi Marius, I'm loving this software day by day. The only thing that I find difficult is that when I need to change something in the configuration I need to operate on the PC client. I'd love to have a control panel on the mobile to help me modify my configurations. For example to add or modify notifications for events. Thanks Daniele
  22. Thank you for the excellent support! Can't wait for 2.6 Beta 3 I'm proposing your software here @ work, part of the Italian Railways for all our work PCs. Keep up the good work. Daniele
  23. Thank you for the excellent support! I'm proposing your software here @ work, part of the Italian Railways for all our work PCs. Keep up the good work. Daniele
  24. Tried that but without luck Anyhow I've emailed you my settings for you to check. Thanks Daniele
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