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Posts posted by Marius

  1. Version 4.3.3 has been released today and the .msi files now support the a UNC configuration file to be loaded.


    Pulseway_xNN.msi /qn config=FFF configpassword=PPP


    FFF - The UNC path for the configuration file (required)

    PPP - The password for the configuration file

  2. Hi,


    Can you please enable the Diagnostic Logging in PC Monitor Manager Settings then restart the PC Monitor Service?

    Then, try to access the VMware module from your mobile device and email our support the trace.log file from the PC Monitor installation folder.





  3. Thank you, we can schedule access but before we do this could you please try the following:


    - In PC Monitor Manager - Settings tab - enabled diagnostic logging

    - Restart the PC Monitor service and leave it running for 1-2 minutes

    - Email support the trace.log file that can be found in the PC Monitor installation folder

    - Disable diagnostic logging.


    This will allow us to understand the issue.


    Thank you!

  4. This was not an issue to begin with. 


    For the Enterprise Server version It was related to the way the DNS resolved the server address.


    Can you please email support with the error message, we will try to assist.


    Thank you!

  5. Hi,


    You are right, we received your email and replied but I guess it never arrived.


    We tested with a Gmail account and the delivery was successful. It looks like the emails are blocked if you have a domain account with them.

    I would suggest using a different email address for now.


    Also, please send me a PM if you would like to change the registered email address and disable the two-step authentication until the change goes through.




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