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ZenDesk Integration


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  • 4 weeks later...

This is great news. I do have a few questions though. 


I see the ability to enable ZenDesk but I believe we need more tweaking for alert status thresholds. 


For example, under Notifications > Status there is no way to set alert elevation level. I have no idea if these are critical, elevated or low. For us, something like computer offline is critical and needs to be able to be delineated as such. Things like starting up and shutting down are low priority. I believe we need the ability to change these alert levels. 


Same goes with Notifications > Performance > if processor usage is above 90% I want to be able to set alert level to critical but may only want to set alert level for memory to elevated. 


This also goes for just about everything like locked accounts or Windows Server Backups which we would want to be critical...



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  • Administrators

Worth adding that Pulseway 4.4 is now out and it has the new notification priority customization feature  :lol: .


Thank you for the cool feature!

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