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New User - Need help with installation

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I am trying to install Enterprise server. I am on the Windows Server 2008 where I installed the Enterprise, (PC Monitor Enterprise Server Administrator" and whenever I try to "Save All Settings" I'm getting a web server error "Unable to connect to the remote server" Then I get "Operation Complete"

Also if I try to connect to the web interface from my desktop ( http://pcmonitor.<hidden>       the FQDN) I get "403 Foridden:Access is denied"

I have these ports opened on my firewall, 80, 443, 25, ssh

I have a public IP  with a NAT to the internal IP

Registered the FQDN

I believe SSL was acepted when I installed the Enterprise software.

I also tried to install the agent on a server that I want to monitor. I'm getting an error when trying to validate account,

There was no endpoint listening at pcmonitor.smartmsg.com/server.svc that could accept the message. 

BTW - Am I understanding the use of this software? I want to be able to connect to the above FQDN from my desktop pc in order to monitor my network. (I am more interested in monitoring the network this way rather than via my moble phone, but will use both).  

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Please send us an email to support and we will help you with the configuration. Your server appears OK from here, it might be something related to your internal network config.

Also, you should only open the 443 port.

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I am guessing that your NAT is not supporting loopbacks and that's why you can't connect to your server using the hostname.


If you have a DNS server inside your local network add a new primary zone for your domain and copy all your current DNS records except pcmonitor. For pcmonitor create an A type record that points to your server's local IP address. Don't forget to setup DNS forward servers and change your primary DNS entry on all local machines to your local DNS server.


This workaround will avoid the NAT loopback problem. If you are using Active Directory then you are in luck because you already have a local DNS server and all your clients use it as a primary DNS server, you just need to configure the new zone.

Edited by Paul
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