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Offline Notification


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I just had 7 of my monitored servers go offline.   Because they had no internet connection they couldn't alert me to the fact pinging had failed.  


Indeed the only notification I had (and a bit of luck really) was that I was running the Dashboard, which flashed a few of the machines (though nothing in red and no beeps to draw my attention).


As such this seems a bit of a chink in PCMonitor's armour.  A slight flaw in a brilliant system.


If I'm missing something, please do let me know how I can be notified of servers that have gone offline (no net connection, perhaps even no power).   If not, any chance of a fix/extra option?  It would be very very helpful.





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Hi Phil,


You could set up offline notifications for your computers and receive a notification if a computer has been offline for more that 15 minutes.

This will also cause the computer status to go red in the Dashboard.


Hope this helps.




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Hi Marius, yes that's what I'm after, but how do I set that up?


Remember I can't set this on the PC agent, as the PC agent doesn't have an internet connection (its offline) when the problem occurs, so the agent can't signal the offline problem to your servers.


like I say, I might have missed something obvious, so please spell it out if I have.





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Go to PC Monitor Manager on the agent - Notifications tab and select the "Send the notification when the computer is offline". 


Next time the computer is offline for about 15 minutes the server will detect that and alert you.  This setting will take effect after your computer is online at least once so the server is aware of this change.

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Thanks that was it... I was being a tad dim.


The setting as you say is a tickbox in the notification tabs.  What I'd missed was the 15 minutes delay you mentioned.  My servers were offline for 10minutes, so this wouldn't have kicked in. 


A more flexible setting would be beneficial (after 15minutes, my phone would have been rining off the hook I suspect), but understand it's not quite easy to poll as it is to receive.


Thanks for your help on this, and putting up with my silly question.

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