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Better Dashboard and other Things...


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month ago i send you a screenshot of the gfi-max dashboard to manage server & workstations. it has a better overview to manage more pc's and you can change the settings on more then one pc at the same time.

you said, that a new dashboard will come. so, is there any news about that?

also, it would be nice to see the computer-details if the pc is offline. maybe the last seen temp , hd-space and so on and see a "offline since..."

and, again, the smart-status of the hdd's are very important. also a check to test if a homepage is online. not only a ping-check. the check must find a word on the homepage to see it is online.

many thanks for the great software!


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We are planning to enhance the Dashboard in future releases - this has not changed.

On displaying the computer details while the PC is offline we would have to store all the details while the PC it's online to be able to do that. As per our Privacy Policy we do not store any computer details.


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Hi Marius,

Just a thought..

Would it by any chance be possible to save this information on a local sqlliteDb on the mpbile device it self, so it don't need to be stored on your servers.

For every request a thread updates the gui and another update the db, if computer is not available the last saved information is shown together with a last updated date time.

Don't know if it is possible to achive on the phones. ;-)

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Not sure if it's wise to store all the data on a mobile device. I would rather choose to have an option to keep data on an enterprise server.

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Maybe ;) maybe not.

I have an app on my iPhone that have a local db that has cached the info of my 3000+ movies and series, no problem. So maybe these few informations could be saved, should not be a performance problem thats for sure. And if you don't have password on the app then yes you can see the latest info, but again also all new if there IS access to the server. I recommend start up password to all. Dont know, just an idea ;)

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