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Timesheet issue

Continu IT Solutions

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Our tech are submitting their timesheets weekly for approval which is good, however, our payroll is bi-monthly so timesheets need to be submitted by the 1 and the 15 (for paydays of the 5 and the 20th) when the 15th or the 1st falls mid week the techs cannot submit their timesheet for approval as it does not allow them to add any more time for that week. Is there a work around for this?

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We had the same question (Mainly for end of month).  All I did was ask our Techs to 'submit' their timesheets on every Friday night. (We changed our week start on Sat.)

If you want to go through approval before you pay, maybe you can ask for timesheets to be submitted, then approve time, then reject the time sheet so they can enter more time for the next few days.  Not sure if this works or not, maybe give it a try first.


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