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Impoved Microsoft Windows Update


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I have some troubles with the Windows Update from Pulseway.

If I start the update over a group optional updates are ignored and not all updates are shown. If I start the update per machine, than I am able to install the optional updates, but not all updates are shown.

I tried over the Powershell with PSWindowsUpdates and the Windows Update Minitool, and they show the missing updates (see screenshot).

It would be cool if you could offer the updates in the official Microsoft Windows Update Categories (e.g.https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/dubaisec/2016/01/28/windows-update-categories/), and if they would work for a group and a single device,

And it would also be cool to have more managemt options for updates, like the two mentioned tools.



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Grouping Windows Updates by their category is a great idea. I've wrote it down. We will investigate why Pulseway fails to see certain Windows Updates. Do you see any patterns over your systems like only Windows 10 machines have this problem or it only happens for certain KBs?


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Hi Paul,

today Microsoft offerd new updates. I tried again a group update with all features turned on. We have Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 10 computers in this group. Nothing happens, as usual... If I do it by device, I see at least one critical update.


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Hi Christian,

Do you get the confirmation that the command was sent? From what application are you sending the command (WebApp, iOS)?


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Hi Paul,

I let it run overnight. And it look like some machines did the update, and some didn't. And the machines which did the update, ignored the optinal updates, because they re still there wen I search manually over Pulseway.

I opened allready a ticket with your support, and they told me to use the dugging. We can see that the devices get the command, but than... no idea...

I would need to do all updates for a group including reboot. And I need this in the moment when I send the command.


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Hi Christian,

Group Windows Update command doesn't support installing optional updates as they contain driver updates which may leave your system in a broken state. You could make use of the built-in script that checks for updates, installs them and restarts the computer and have that script in a task that runs against a scope.

You'll need to modify the update search filter by removing the AutoSelectOnWebsite = 1 from the filter thus including all non-installed updates. At the end of the script you should see a commented line that says that if you want to restart the computer after installing the updates you should remove the comment. Remove the comment for that line.


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