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Quenten Grasso

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Posts posted by Quenten Grasso

  1. Hey Guys,

    It would be great if we had some integration with https://chocolatey.org for windows package management, its basically like apt-get or yum for windows which seems a lot better IMHO then ninite type solutions. 

    Having its own tab under group policy for example to install selected apps across multiple machines and keep them updated within patch windows for example. This would be a huge benefit for Pulseway if done well.


    https://chocolatey.org/pricing at only $3/year per machine its pretty competitive pricing.


  2. Hey Fellow PW users,

    I've created a script which allows the system to change its name to %computername%-Current logged on username, which makes life a little easier when trying to remote to their computers on the remote control tool/Webapp.

    To get started, create your script in the script editor, in my example,

    Name: Update Computer Name with Logged on Username

    Windows/Powershell Code: 

    $pwqusers = quser | Select-Object -skip 1
    $pwquserfmt = $pwqusers.substring(1,22).Trim() -join ","
    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\" -Name ComputerName -Value "$env:computername-$pwquserfmt"

    Click Save.

    Next we create at new task,

    Name: Update Computer Name with Logged on Username

    Current Scope -> Windows Workstations

    Enable Scheduling -> (I've set it to run once a day) Every weekday (Monday to Friday), starting on 12 August 2018 at 09:00 (Australia/Brisbane)

    Scripts tab, Select/add your new script you just created and once that's done click save.

    You can now run the task on demand as well which will update all of the PC's in your windows workstations scope to Computer Name-Logged on usernames

    This works for RDSH hosts as well however it could get a bit of out hand if you have 5-10+ users logged in so I probably wouldn't recommend it to be used on servers.

    I Hope this helps you somehow, these scripts/suggestions come with no warranty and I bear no responsibility if this breaks anything, use at your own risk etc..etc..



  3. Hi,

    So as I start to get used to Pulseway, here's quick script I've made up to change the *Nix/Win computer group on the fly. I haven't yet found an easier way to do it yet.  This seems to work for me so hopefully it helps someone else.

    I've just created a Script Category and added a version of this script per customer/group in this folder.  So create your script edit the Group below to suite your requirements.

    Linux/Bash Tab

    if [ -f /bin/sed ] 
    cp /etc/pulseway/config.xml /etc/pulseway/config.xml.backup
    /bin/sed -i '/<ComputerInformation Name="" Group="/c\<ComputerInformation Name="" Group="My Company - Linux Servers"/>' /etc/pulseway/config.xml
    echo "Sed not found!"

    Windows/Powershell Tab

    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor\" -Name GroupName -Value "My Company - Windows Servers"


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