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Everything posted by DaveG

  1. This would be a excellent feature to enable again - I have mobile devices that dont often connect in scheduled task execution windows. thanks
  2. Hi Paul, Is there any news on this? thanks Dave
  3. Yes I am in the same boat - my users are dotted all over the county, having to visit each one to fix this is going to be a time consuming exercise.
  4. Ok thanks Paul
  5. I have just experienced the same problem - all of my agents are offline.
  6. DaveG

    Raspberry Pi 3

    Thanks Chris will give it another go!
  7. DaveG

    Raspberry Pi 3

    Hi All, I am trying to install the agent on a Pi 3 with Raspbian Stretch Lite running. It looks like it has installed but its not showing up on the device list and the password in the config.xml does not get encrypted. I am a bit of a noob when it comes to all things Linux and I have just followed the website instructions. Has anybody else come across this? thanks Dave
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