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Jeremy Otten

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Everything posted by Jeremy Otten

  1. Please add feature here to monitor if file has NOT changed in x hours.. or x days etc.. This way i could monitor if a process is hanging that should update the file every x hours.. This can even be an backup tasks of a random backup solutions
  2. Yes that would work. You can even set the windows updates to low prio.. but i get every notification on my phone.. :-) Sow how do you segment in that.. i know you can set different sounds per notification category... and then set low to none for example...
  3. In the local version of services i can see automatic etc.. and do a right click to select and monitor running or automatic services. With the manage systems option.. none of them are here.
  4. Now it only states vcenter alarms.. or is this a typo?
  5. ? that is strange? Systems you do not have permissions to... you should not get anything...
  6. Now we have to set it manually per system. With the new reports.. you just want that data!
  7. Now we need to connect to every system to set it manually
  8. We can already make snapshots.. but what if we get an alarm that one esx server is very busy.. then we need to vmotion right :-)
  9. OMG now that is MASTER! Can i create a policy to select all automatic started services automatically to monitor?
  10. At this moment I have to specify username and password and URL to connect... At this moment i use the admin account for this. Whenever i decide to change the password everything will break! Other solutions just specify a unique code to connect and don't have anything to do with username and password..
  11. It would really be nice for when you are at the system level.. i can just select a script (let say cleanup Temp Files) to just run quickly on this system.
  12. For example i have 500 monitored systems and want to collect historical data or change the group name or add / change tags. i then have to dive in every system to change or add the settings. Come on people! Its 2016!! In 5.0 release this should be added!
  13. I want the columns to react as in the real windows services manager. When i click it it will auto sort all the same values togheter.. So that all the services with automatic are set togheter for example.. and so are easily selectable.
  14. Look in the Web UI.. there you can create scopes. And Automation Scripts based on Scopes etc.. Or run Reports based on the new Scoping ... in the Mobile App you can then run the Reports and download a nice PDF of it. Thats what I discovered in 15 minuten of nozing around..
  15. 808 is still not released I see... How much longer?
  16. Mine is already on 4.9....
  17. Great! 1+ for that
  18. 4.9 is awesome... no but we will see ;-0.. tomorrow... But they are talking about Pulse Way Manager rebranding... that was the initial question..
  19. so the end product will be simple agent locally and managing all settings in the webapp or mobile apps?
  20. One year later.. and still the Manager Configuration all has to be done locally... when will it get in the Web App... where it should have been all along.. :-)
  21. I think this will also be possible with the automation module that comes out monday (Hope So)..
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