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Martin Stevnhoved

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Everything posted by Martin Stevnhoved

  1. Happy New year !!! Maybe now is a good time to update the Roadmap ;-)
  2. Just stumpled upon this plugin. It has great potentials! I would be nice it were possible to set the notifigation level, so it could be anything else than normal. If I send an notification, all other notifications are ignores until the first notification has been removed. It would be better if it was possible to group them, so it was only the same notifications that was ignored. Br, Martin.
  3. Sounds great! Do you have a timeframe, or is it just "some time in the future"? // Martin
  4. But you could give us a configuration checkmark "Automatically add services with Automatic startup type to the list of manageable services." Then it would be optional. // Martin
  5. Any thoughts. This would really bring value to us! // Martin
  6. Any thoughts from the developers? We would also like to monitor diskques the same way we monitors ram and cpu or perhaps like storage. To day we are monitoring DiskQueues on LogicalDisks via Performance Counters. // Martin.
  7. Do you still have this on the feature request list? We have a lot of technicians working on our servers, and would like them i use the "maintenance mode" when restarting services etc. But we cannot see who has put it in mailtenance mode, when it has been done, or why? // Martin.
  8. Would this be the future default for the PC Monitor service when installing Pulseway?
  9. I would be nice if I could put a checkmark for all Automatic services to be managed. If new services is beeing set as Automatic they should be added automatically as well.
  10. Bump +1 http://forum.pulseway.com/topic/1046-selecting-services/
  11. Hi. Does the Zendesk integration require a specific Zendesk plan, or will it work no matter what plan you have? http://www.zendesk.com/product/pricing Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved.
  12. Hi, After servers are rebooted PC Monitor always tells us that a handful of services is not started. Most of them has the start up type "Automatic (delayed)", but other services just uses a longer time before starting up. Could it be possible for PC Monitor to wait a few minutes before reporting failed services after a reboot? Then we could avoid a lot of ghost alerts. Br, Martin.
  13. Perhaps someone with C# knowledge could change this into a pcmonitor-plugin. http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/6ef4ba51-3738-4dd6-a80d-dd8c93ffbde6 But I think it would be smartest if it was a part of the Active Directory server module. Br, Martin.
  14. Any thoughts from the pcmonitor-team? When I see server in maintenance mode, I have no idea why it is in the mode, how long time it has been there, and why. When we run scripts on the server, we change the maintenancemode befor and after like example below, but it would be nice if we could set a value with a reason for the maintenance mode. reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor" /v MaintenanceMode /d 1 /t REG_SZ /f REM here comes our script!! reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor" /v MaintenanceMode /d 0 /t REG_SZ /f Best Regards, Martin
  15. This would be very handy when on the road.
  16. Hi. When the dashboard is in fullscreen, would it be possible to hide the mouse cursor af x secs. of inactivity? // Martin.
  17. What were your thoughts on this? // Martin
  18. Hi. Your roadmap in this forum are last updated nearly a year ago - 24 March 2013. I would really like to follow what enhancements and feature-requests you are planning to implement. Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved
  19. Hi, Under performance notifications it would make sense if you monitors the Page File Usage. To day we can set up a performance counter notification, but it would make sense to add it to the cpu/memory section. Here is an example of the current performance counter notification we do configure. Category: Page File Instance: _Total Counter: % Usage Counter Value is: Greater than Value: 80 For: 5 minutes Priority: Elevated Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved Abakion A/S
  20. Hi, It could be really useful if we could look up BitLocker Recovery Passwords in the Active Directory module by browsing computers. And when we have found the password it with the mobile app, "send by email" and "send by text message" buttons would make it easy to send the password to the user. Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved Abakion A/S
  21. Hi Paul, Ok, I am aware of device-notes. I was thinking of a note related to maintenance, what is cleared when maintenance mode is ended. An other idea is the possibility to enter an expected time for end of maintenance when entering maintenance. An notification could then be send if the expected end time is exceeded. Br, Martin.
  22. Hi, When a machine is in maintenance mode, it would be nice to see when it has been activated, or for how long time. Perhaps it could also be possible to enter a quick note when putting the device into maintenance mode. Then it is a lot easier to figure out the reason for maintenance mode. Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved Abakion A/S
  23. What are your thoughts on this? CPU/memory notifications will be much more valuable if this was included. Today we mostly just delete this notifications because the values are not exceeded any more. Perhaps it could also be possible to adjust memory notifications to "for X minutes" like CPU notifications. Best Regards, Martin Stevnhoved Abakion A/S
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