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  1. Calling: https://{endpoint}/v3/devices/:id/appliedpolicies Error: GetSystemAppliedPolicies cannot be executed due to lack of permissions Why am I getting this error I do not see any permission settings on the token setup?
  2. What are the limits to the Asset API, it seems very easy to get over usage. The $top limit of 100 also makes this challenging. V2 allowed more.
  3. This issue could be isolated to Lenovo xClarity IMM that only support SNMP v3. But it also shows Pulseway is sending credentials even if No Authentication is selected. SNMP v3 devices (eg Lenovo xClarity IMM) it will fail to authenticate with option “No Authentication, no privacy” unless you have selected an Authentication option added valid user credentials and revert back to “No Authentication”. So the bug is that No Authentication actually requires Authentication Eg Attempting to crawl, will fail with "Authentication failure" Add some credentials but revert back to No authentication. Using any other Authentication method will fail also. Success
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