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Mark G38

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Posts posted by Mark G38

  1. @UTS Brian Unfortunately, I don't think such a report exists.  However, the easiest way I've managed to do this is to go to Account - Manage Systems.  Here will show you all the devices and the last column is "Last Seen". It's clickable so you can sort it A-Z/Z-A.  I do this from time to time putting the oldest ones at the top. 

  2. 11 hours ago, dimitri.gillet said:

    It works !!!!
    Thank you very much, but unfortunately, you have to change the registry before launching a mass deployment.
    So it's not the ideal solution. But thanks :) 


    Oh, I know, but that's why I asked if you were on a domain environment.  You could deploy those changes via GPO first.  And no problem, glad it worked. 

  3. On 10/5/2021 at 1:52 AM, santiagoma said:

    Hi guys, I need to run a script to remove ninja rmm on 20 machines locate on different sites. Can someone advice how I can do that running an script using powershell. Thanks

    Does the info provided above not help you? If not, shoot me a PM, I'll help you out. 

  4. Nothing major this time around lol.  But just 2, hopefully simpler ideas that would help save time in navigating the UI as well as running scripts.  Added both under the scripting section. 

    1. The ability to select multiple machines and run a script against them on the fly without having to tag them or create a scope and run a task. 
    2. When a task is completed and you are viewing the results, it would be awesome if you could click the machine and go right to it from there.  It's a little cumbersome to be viewing the results of a task, specifically looking at ones that failed, and then having to click out of the report and go drill down to each failed machine.  


  5. 5 hours ago, Paul said:

    If you send the install command to your agents it will detect an already installed Bitdefender endpoint or it will install it if it's not present. Bitdefender does not allow 3rd party applications to edit policies at this moment.

    Check to see that you don't have an antivirus policy configured under the Server Admin -> Configuration that disables manual antivirus management.

    First start the Bitdefender trial from the WebApp -> Antivirus -> License (if you haven't already done so) and then from the WebApp -> Antivirus -> Agent Status you can deploy the antivirus endpoint.


     @Paul I am also unable to install.  I pick Bitdefender and choose the company, check off the options (which btw, will not allow me to select EDR even though I pay for EDR), but then when I try and click Install, the mouse just turns to a denied symbol basically.  

    I also looked under Server Admin - Configurations and see no setting that would disable manual AV install.  In fact, I've never seen this under that section, ever.  I went back and reviewed my policies as well as making sure there was nothing under AV policy section either. 

  6. Hey Jamie,

    Editing my post.  I've found where this is at, but  I have Bitdefender through Pulseway deployed on my clients, but this was before any integration.  How do I get my current ones to link up and show in Pulseway?  Also, are we able to make Bitdefender policies in the Policies section of Antivirus?   

  7. 18 hours ago, UTS Brian said:

    We just created scopes called "All Server" and "All Workstations" that are based on System Type. We then use the scopes as a condition in the workflow.

    Yep, I actually do the same thing.  But it's just one more extra step that shouldn't be needed.  They already pull the type of system so we should be able to just use that lol. 

  8. There currently is not, but that is the biggest thing that I have written out about scripting in the below linked thread.  I also have a feature request in.

    The idea behind this would be you can set Site level or Script level custom fields and be able to reference them in your scripts, to do exactly what you are talking about.  




  9. 1 hour ago, UTS Brian said:

    Sorry this one I disagree with, the whole point of grouping is so the policies will be the same between them. I wouldn't even want the ability to have something in that group have a policy outside the norm. If it needs a exception it gets a new group. Now if we were talking about the ability to layer policies I could possibly get behind that.

    You are allowed to disagree! lol.  But, let me further explain.  I work in a number of other RMM platforms. One of which I am very fond of.  (Shall not be named here).  What I'd like to see is, the ability to adjust a specific threshold on a device level.  In other words, I have a policy let's just say across ALL Servers.  Standard Server policy and I have it set to I dunno, say alert at 15% disk space for the sake of argument.  But now, I have 1 or maybe 2 servers at different client locations that are perpetually lower than that for "good" reasons and right now, adding more disk space isn't an option.  I want to adjust it to 5% alert for them.  I do believe this should be doable as an "exception" on the site or device level.  

    The reason behind this is as your client count grows, the more base policies you have maintain, the harder it becomes to make sure things remain uniform.  If I have to have 3 Policies right now, just to handle "Standard Server Policy/Alerts" + 2 more that are essentially exactly the same except tweaking one alert, imagine when you get hundreds of clients and have to start making adjustments?  That's potentially hundreds of policies to manage.  Now, when you want to add a new custom alert or make a change to your "base" policy, you have to do it xxx times over, because you have a separate one for each just because of an exception needed.  

    On a larger scale, this becomes incredibly cumbersome. 

    It is kind of like layering policies but still being able to set exclusions on a site/device level .  And again, in this other RMM, you can do that.  You have you "Global" policies that apply to all, but you can also create specific Site level policies as well along with exceptions, etc. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Paul said:

    Hi Mark,

    Release notes are in the about section of the Pulseway Manager for the Windows agent. We usually only announce major product improvements but we will consider extending the granularity of our announcements.


    I see, thanks.  Yes, having this info in a different section, perhaps in the What's New or just some central place, even a thread where only Pulseway members can post, would be nice instead of having to log onto a physical machine to see the release notes.


  11. Wonder if I'm going to get banned from this site :lol:.  I guess I'll file this next one under the UI as well.  Apparently, we are unable to create exclusions for alerts.  The answer is to move the machine to it's own group, and apply a new policy to that machine.  This is certainly not ideal as 1, if you logically group your machines together, then splitting one out is a mess and even more importantly, then more policies created, the more you have to worry about going in and updating them when you want to change 1 thing. The less policies that have to be maintained, the better. 

    So per the email below, I created yet another feature request: https://pulseway.featureupvote.com/suggestions/217128/exclusions



  12. 6 minutes ago, UTS Brian said:

    I went and tested and can confirm it is not just you, my tasks are saying "skipped" if manually run but they seem to work fine if they are scheduled.


    Actually it seems to be random if they are manually run whether they work or not, some do and some don't.

    Yea there is another thread someone else made this morning expressing the same issue.  Looks like they fixed the issue and released an agent update.  


  13. 1 minute ago, Paul said:

    Hey Mark,

    Agent version 8.8.4 was released on Monday and it takes about 24 hours to propagate so I think you may be confusing this with the solution 8.8.3 release.


    Possibly.  Either way, do we know the root cause?  Can we get an informational post for each update that is released that explains what enhancements or bug fixes are resolved in that specific release? 

  14. 13 minutes ago, Victoria - Pulseway Team said:
    Hello! We have identified the problem to be in the Windows Agent (v8.8.4) and have released an update (v8.8.5) to resolve the issue. It will take about 24 hours for all agents to pick up the update (36 hours for customers hosting their own server (on-premise version)). In the meantime to combat the issue you can run the following Powershell command, using Powershell terminal to get the automation working again right away:
    Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MMSOFT Design\PC Monitor' -Name 'EnableAutomation' -Value '1'
    Important: The Powershell script is only necessary in case you can't wait for the automatic 8.8.5 agent update and need access to automation immediately. In all other instances, the agent will be updated automatically and the issue will get resolved without the need for manual intervention. 
    We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

    Hi Victoria, are you able to provide any more additional details?  I'm very curious as version 8.8.4 had been out for a bit of time before seeing this issue, and it seems like it just started happening yesterday.  Do you know what triggered it or what the root cause was? 

    I've also found going to the machines in the Web UI, at least for me, and clicking Update forces the update to 8.8.5.  



  15. 3 hours ago, David Stanton said:

    Not sure if the last update has changed either Tasks, Scope or Tags but i have a few Tasks that i use each week that now report as Skipped and doesn't seem to matter if i change the script that Task is using or which Scope.

    Running the Script against the actual Device works.

    Anyone else noticed this??

    Yes. I'm having this exact issue and reported it yesterday.  I still have no update on why.  But yes, it's a big deal as a run a lot of custom automation and alerts off tasks.

    @Jamie Taylor This seems to be more than just me, can we please get an update on this?  I have a case open already about it.  

  16. So, I'm currently dealing with a pretty urgent issue that unfortunately, I am at the mercy of whenever the devs look into it.  None of my tasks will run which means I'm dead in the water for a lot of my custom automation.  This is terrible.  

    I assume based on talks with staff over time, that these are something like VPS instances that area spun up?  I asked regular Support to reboot my instance for the sake of it as scripts run, but tasks to control them do not, they just immediately say skipped.  It's amazing what reboot can fix at times, and then Support can dig in later to figure out what happened, if the reboot works.  But I was told no can do, only devs have access to reboot the instance. 

    This needs to change, or there needs to be an emergency way to contact whoever can address urgent issues like this.  If these are indeed isolated instances, then we should have the ability to restart our own instance IMO.  

    This is critical to my business and this is not a good showing of 911 support.  

  17. Under Web UI -

    #7.  Scopes - From the Scopes creation page, we should be able to then click on the Scope and see all the machines that the Scope includes.  This would be a much easier and faster way then having to go to Systems and then select the Scope and drill down that way.  

  18. 1 hour ago, UTS Brian said:

    I tried to vote for this suggestion but after 15 days it is still "awaiting moderation." I will try and remember to come back and vote for it but I don't know why it takes this long for them to approve a post or when they will get around to it.

    Awesome, thanks. And yes, it's still pending approval so that last one isn't able to be upvoted by anyone yet unfortunately. 

  19. @Jamie Taylor  Is there an easy way to make an "exception" to an alert for a specific machine?  In other words, if I have alerting on memory usage threshold, but I know 1 particular machine will always trigger that alert during a certain time or during a certain job execution, so I'd rather it not alert, or ideally, be able to change the alert for just that machine, possible?  I don't want to make it's own policy because then I'm managing another policy just for an alert exception?  

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