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Everything posted by Marius

  1. This is an interesting one - we will consider adding it in a future release as we are working now on group policies and overall policy and it might fit in nicely.
  2. First version now available: http://apps.microsoft.com/webpdp/en-US/app/pc-monitor/9efc1d1c-6816-48bc-8de7-d4b21a5b3589
  3. It's close but not ready just yet.
  4. You can use the PC Monitor Manager app installed on your PC to reset your password.
  5. Nothing specific just yet, sorry. We're still evaluating and testing all the options here.
  6. We plan to add it
  7. We only store a salted SHA1 password in the database and in order to validate it the server needs the clear password.
  8. We cannot make this change as the server expects the clear password. But you can as you are in control of the app that uses the API - send the username/password as encrypted arguments that your app will decrypt before sending them to the server.
  9. Version 1.0 was sent to Microsoft for certification - not sure how long it will take.
  10. You can create another (personal) account using the PC Monitor Admin app on your server and use this one to monitor your personal computers. Then, you can use the associated accounts to share those computers with your work account. Unfortunately, both account have to be on that Enterprise Server.
  11. From the PC Monitor Manager press the "Account Details" button and go to the "Associated Accounts" tab. In the next Enterprise Server update this feature will also be supported in the server Admin app.
  12. Unfortunately we have no plans to handle multiple accounts. (The Enterprise Server has a feature called "Associated Accounts" where you can "share" computers between accounts).
  13. Open PC Monitor Manager on that computer and go to the Devices tab. Make sure the device is authorized - eventually remove it from that list and add it again.
  14. As well, check the Devices tab in PC Monitor Manager and see if the new device is authorized.
  15. I've sent you an email - I think there's a confusion regarding accounts.
  16. The iPhone is still not registered - you will need to exit the account settings for the device to register. Simply pressing the Validate button won't do it. You can check if the device has been registered using the PC Monitor Manager - press the "Registered Devices" button.
  17. Have you changed your iPhone account to the paid one? Once you do that your phone will register for notifications for that account - at the moment it is not registered.
  18. Once you sign in with the paid account the phone will automatically register with that account.
  19. Thank you, got that. Once you register a device for one account it is removed from any other accounts as the multi-account is supported only by the Enterprise server.
  20. Please email or PM me your user account just to confirm we're talking at the same account. Looking at the account that corresponds to your email address registered on this forum I can see that the push notifications are disabled. I will enable them now for you.
  21. Just checked and it appears that you're push notifications are turned off. Open PC Monitor Manager on your PC and go to the "Account Details" to verify.
  22. On the iPhone app please go to the settings tab and click Details. Are the push notifications enabled?
  23. This would explain it: http://thenextweb.co...c-and-ios-apps/
  24. Thanks Clay - glad it worked. Not sure what was the problem - there's no difference between the versions when it comes to start up. Thanks again.
  25. We cannot reproduce it at this time. We are also seeing a lot of successful updates for this version. We'll keep investigating this.
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