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Clear Notifications From All Associated Accounts not in sync

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Hi guys,


Lately I've noticed that the notifications are not in sync, with the associated accounts. If i delete a notification (as an associated account) it most of the time it will not be delete from all the other associated accounts. Then i'm forced to delete the not. per account..


Do i have to change some settings in the enterprise server or is it because of the amount of associated accounts?


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I've checked the options:

  • Associated Accounts Can Clear Notifications
  • Clear notifications From All Associated Accounts


for all the main agent accounts were i'm linked to as associated account, when I receive a notifiaction on my associated account and delete that it sometimes doesn't remove the notification from the other associated account because it is not removed from the main account (that is the bug).

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When you remove the notification as an associated account the main account notification is cleared.

Once the main notification is deleted it will propagate to all the other associated accounts.


Can you please check that for that main account "Associated Accounts Can Clear Notifications" option is checked? 

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