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Client Portal doesn't display Assignee

Mike Newland

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Our company is in the process of setting up the client portal. However, we noticed if a user selects "My Tickets", Assignee is not displayed or an option to add in the view.  Also, if the ticket is selected, Assignee is not displayed under Details.  We do have a workflow set up when a ticket gets assigned, the requestor is notified via email but we would also like the Assignee to be displayed in the client portal.  How do we make this happen?

Edited by Mike Newland
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Hi @Mike Newland Thanks for the message, Unfortunately this feature is not available right now, but within the tickets section of the PSA, you are able to view what tickets are in your queues and who they are assigned too. I know it is a longer way around the problem, but I hope this helps. If you need anything else please feel free to DM me. 


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Hi @Mike Newland Of course you can make a request, This link here will take you to our updates page, where in the top left you will see a 'request a feature' button. I have also let support know of this issue, so be sure to keep an eye out for any future updates, Thanks again.  

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