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Fixing Teams After third party patching breaks meeting join links

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We turned on Third-Party Patching with pulseway last week in our organization. It was immediately clear we had a problem as org wide the ability to join meetings via links was broken. the only way to join meetings now was from the teams app built in calendar. 

I dug into the issue and found that the installation location changed from the users directory to the program files directory, however it looks to have failed to update a registry key for the users url calls specifically URL:msteams. The field that needs to be update on each users machine to correct this was to point the default entry at Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\TeamsURL\shell\open\command to the correct address instead of pointing to the users directory. 

we wrote a quick .bat file to fix it and we pushed this out via pulseway. so this is more of an fyi if anyone else is having similar issues.

::fix broken teams after auto update

::/ve denotes default entry /t Specifies the type of registry entries /d Specifies the data for the new entry /f Adds or deletes registry content without prompting for confirmation.

for /F  "delims=\ tokens=1,*" %%t in ('reg query HKU') do REG ADD "HKU\%%u\SOFTWARE\Classes\TeamsURL\shell\open\command" /f /ve /t REG_SZ /d "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe\" \"%%1\""

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