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Cannot connect to ws1.pulseway.com

Chris Charles

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First, check your computer date/time. Then start PC Monitor Manager and press the "Validate Account" button, does your account validates correctly?

If so please enable diagnostic logging in PC Monitor Manager -> Settings -> Diagnostics, start the PC Monitor service again and after a few minutes send us the trace.log file from the PC Monitor install folder.

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  • 2 years later...



I'm having the same issue at one of my clients I have 10 PC's and 2 servers all work fine but the one server gives me the error.

"Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel with authority pcmonitor.XXX.ca.za"

I checked the system time and date on both cloud server "pcmonitor.XXX.ca.za" and my Phisical server and it's identical?


I have alo removed the PCM from the server as well as delete any regkey's related to that and then reinstalled.


What else can it be?


In the image attached the cloud server is on the left and the phisical on the right.


Thank you,


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  • 3 months later...

I am having the same issue, first install went well x64 and verified account fine.  Second install, same domain, x86 with all same info for account gives error, "Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel..." .  Both are servers with time sync'd and both have been confirmed as identical.  Any assistance would be appreciated.

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Thank you for your reply however this is now occurring on 2 installations Windows Server 2003 x86 servers but was successful on 2 servers x64 (2008R2). The program installs and it is only when I go to Validate Account that I get this message. The Firewall is off on these servers and Time is managed and is identical on all 4 servers. Date is also correct on all 4 servers.

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I don't see any Proxy on this computer or the other.  A tracert shows it going out through the gateway and then the ISP, all looks good.  This product is new for us and this is the first issue we have run into.  I can schedule access to the server if needed for you to take a look.

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Thank you, we can schedule access but before we do this could you please try the following:


- In PC Monitor Manager - Settings tab - enabled diagnostic logging

- Restart the PC Monitor service and leave it running for 1-2 minutes

- Email support the trace.log file that can be found in the PC Monitor installation folder

- Disable diagnostic logging.


This will allow us to understand the issue.


Thank you!

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  • 6 months later...

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