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change of computer name


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In pulseway dahsboard (and other pulseway apps)


The name of the computer that have a freshly installed pulseway agent will be shown in the pulseway apps.


when i change the computername later on, how dows pulseway handle this? does it change in dahsboard? or does it keep the original name?



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ok thanks, how do i understand you?


if i change the computername in the settings of the computer, it wont change in any pulseway app at the moment?


if i chabge the compuername in the pulseway settings, it will ofcause propagte to other pulseway apps.


what i am interested in, is that if i change the compurter name in windows settings, pulseway should follow this change.



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Ah, I understand now.


Pulseway assigns the name of the computer when you install it then allows you to overwrite that name and use any name you want. 

From there on the name will change only when changed in the Pulseway manager.



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