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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Hello, The missing module error can be caused if an assembly is missing from your machine. I recommend you to reinstall your .NET Framework 4 FULL and try again. Good Luck
  2. This is a bad idea to implement it in a plugin. Since PCM is subscribing to events you don't want to overload the app just to add a small feature by duplicating it's functionality. I recommend you to ask for a feature rather than a plugin.
  3. Paul

    NAS plugin

    Hello yoc81, Nothing is impossible. Sadly Mobile PC Monitor's cloud API is only supported on .NET platforms which makes it really difficult to write a Ready Nas plugin. I find this idea interesting since I own four Ready Nas Duo devices and would be useful in some situations, however since they run on ARM based linux it makes it impossible to run MSIL code (.NET Framework Generated Binaries). This might work if: Mobile PC Monitor's Cloud API would be converted to a Mono Library thus supporting other platforms OR Mobile PC Monitor's Framework would become open source which is very not likely to happen anytime in my opinion OR Mobile PC Monitor would add support for Ready Nas Duo themselves by creating a Ready Nas Plugin which comunicates with their servers. There is no easy way out of this. Your best option would be #4, Get a 24/7 computer over there that would be waking up the computer OR Forward the wake up on lan port in your router to a device that supports it and has PCM installed so that you can power on the intermediary computer, power on target computer then power off the intermediary computer. Hope that makes sense, Paul.
  4. Hello William, As far as I know Mobile PC Monitor recently updated it's hardware library and that might be the cause of your problem. Try installing OpenHardwareMonitor and see if you can read your CPU's temperature (link). If indeed there is a problem and you cannot read the CPU's temperature and you were able to do so in the past you can submit a bug at their issues page and it will be taken care of. Hope that helps, Paul.
  5. Hello Ibrahim, Is there any event log entries at the point of update? If so please post them here and remove any personal informations that may contain. Also in the pcmonitor's installation folder, usually in C:\Program Files\PC Monitor you might find a file called update.log, please copy and paste it's contents in a reply here. Paul.
  6. Hello patrick2206, Since that particular application exposes no API there is no way you can read the values using a plugin or a cloud instance application. Therefore I would recommend you to use live view (Screens) to view the current state of the application. Paul.
  7. Hello Arthur, Here is a cool tutorial on how to get started. Let me know if you run into problems. Paul.
  8. You can always have ping tests on the IP you need. This way you will get a notification when it's offline. Just make sure the computer that's monitoring the device is always online.
  9. In order to show up on the computer list you need to make sure your service is enabled: Look in the manager application, does it say that the service is running?
  10. Yes. If you are not typing any port in the browser then you need to specify HTTP port which is 80. Hope this helps.
  11. Hello, You can monitor the TCP port of the IP Camera using Mobile PC Monitor's Port Monitoring feature. To setup the Port Monitoring feature you need to go to PC Monitor Manager application in the System tab, Network subtab and Ports subtab. From there you can choose the port's name where you can pun IP Camera, port number and the IP of the device. More information on the setup process can be found in the User Manual. Paul.
  12. Basically you are interested in reading all the storage pools and getting real and virtual disk usages? If so, can you give me the powershell scripts used to get that information and I will make a plugin for it. Paul.
  13. Glad it worked, can you post here the final firewall rule configuration so that everyone can use it as a reference? Also please use the forum's "Edit" function if you would like to add something and the last post belongs to you. Makes the forum look cleaner and it's easier to follow the conversation .
  14. Hello, BIOS looks good. Your IP Address is, and your MAC is: 002215F02523 . If you want to test Wake up on Wan you will need to use your WAN IP. To find out what's your public ip browse to: http://www.whatismyip.com/ (please do not post your public ip here, it's sensitive information). Yes, you will need to create a new firewall rule, if you need help for this let me know. Please note that not all network adapters support WOL! It may me a bad sign the fact that you don't have a BIOS setting for WOL, however don't give up just yet. On most computers you just have to enable WOL in BIOS then forward your ports. I will lookup your network adapter and let you know if I find anything of value.
  15. Hello, Wake on WAN problems are change from case to case. First thing on my mind is that the network adapter does not access WOL packets. Can you confirm you got this enabled on your adapter? Also in BIOS check if Integrated Peripherals - Onboard LAN control is enabled. If you have a Power Management tab on your adapter's properties page make sure all check boxes are ticked: Open "Programs and Features" from the control panel. Click "Turn Windows features on or off" over on the sidebar. Scroll down and check "Simple TCPIP services" then click OK to install the feature: Open "Services" from the "Administrative Tools" control panel. Scroll down to the service for which we just installed the feature. Make sure the service is started by clicking the link in the sidebar. Also ensure that the "Startup Type" is set to "Automatic" so that it will run with Windows. Open "Windows Firewall" from the control panel. Only UDP is needed, but you can if you with open the port for TCP as well. This is because UDP is a broadcast packet which can always be received by your NIC, whereas TCP requires the computer to be powered up. This can also be set to limit the IPs which can use the port and other security features to make your computer less vulnerable. These are the easiest settings. Now you can try to see if the computer wakes up. You can use wakeonlan.me to test if everything is working before trying out with PC Monitor. Note: Credit goes to windows7-issues.blogspot.it who posted a great WOL article. Good Luck, Paul.
  16. It is one of the most requested feature IMO. And as PC Monitor's motto says: "Your computers, managed." managing a computer involves remote access sometimes. I don't think any feature that will be added to PC Monitor will pull down any security layer that's already being used. Also direct data streams are not the only way to achieve remote control. I've got full trust that Mobile PC Monitor's developers know what they are doing and will not expose our computers to any risk by using the cloud solution.
  17. Hello, From PC Monitor Manager go to "Notifications" tab -> "Hardware" subtab -> check "Send a notification when one of the following conditions is met:" -> click on Add -> if supported you will find your device under the devices dropdown then you can send the notification configuration as you wish. Please note that not all devices are supported by PC Monitor's Hardware Monitoring library. Screenshot: Paul.
  18. The best solution would be to use PC Monitor to control the computers. No more third-party software to add more security holes.
  19. Based on what you said it seems that you have somehow deleted all the files and registry settings of PC Monitor on your computers but did not perform a complete uninstall thus the service and installation reference remained. In your situation I would create a batch script that will remove the service and delete the registry entries from uninstall (you need to check if the application class name is the same for all computers then you can script the registry changes) OR just remove the service entry and force a repair install using the new msi. In order to delete the service from a batch file use: sc delete "PC Monitor" Also you could have updated the application by forcing the update using the mobile app and tapping on the PC Monitor version. In order to silently repair an app using the msi consult this article. Basically you just pass the force parameter to the msi: msiexec.exe /f "UNCPATH\PCMonitor_xXX.msi" /qn Good luck! Paul.
  20. Why not keep LMI enabled and startup as automatic?
  21. We are all waiting for this feature. I bet it's threated as a priority by the development but we can only wait for an official announcement. It's on the roadmap so *crossed fingers* .
  22. Yes, 03/12/12 is my planned release date for an overall update on all of my plugins. Thank you for your patience.
  23. As far as I know Mobile PC Monitor does not support (at the moment) any customization at encryption levels. Rest assured that all your data is safely stored. Also if you are interested in extra security for your account you can implement: Device Access Policies (that allow only specific devices access your account or specific computers), Computer Device Filters (that permit blacklisting or whitelisting devices on that specific computer), IP Restrictions (for Web Application and Dashboard app) and the famous Two-Step-Authentication (requires you to input an OTP (One Time Password). Being new to the community I recommend you to take a look at some community based plugins and comment them if you have time ( ). Paul.
  24. Unfortunately Attix 5 does not expose any public API, which complicates things a bit. Does Attix 5 writes to event log? If so, you can setup an event log filter that will notify you if something went wrong.
  25. That script is just the thing I was looking for. It can be adapted to be bundled into a plugin, if you want to rush ahead feel free to modify it a bit and run it using Johnni's POTS plugin. I will reply here once I have any news. Paul.
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