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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    WoL over WAN

    Have you tried to wake your computer with any other WoL solution? Try to see if any fix from this thread works for you.
  2. This can be tricky. How can you differentiate from a server machine and a desktop computer? I have about 10 servers made with normal desktop components (Small Company, low cost solutions ). From my experience I use tags on most names I use. PC for desktop computers NB for note(net?)books Server for servers NAS for ... well NAS devices Cloud for cloud instances VPS for ... you got it. This way I can clearly tell if it's something important or not. Not sure if it will work for a lot of computer but this how I work.
  3. I think that a software requiring you to open inbound ports on servers is just wrong, hopefully Mobile PC Monitor would continue to use it's current connectivity design so that no inbound connection will be required. Also having a VPN router inside the building that keeps RDP sessions is not a solution either. What if the router goes offline? I'd rather preffer the option to connect to each machine in an independed way.
  4. You could paginate into Apps starting with A,B...
  5. Have you tried installing the linux agent? It's a java application and should be compatible.
  6. Also if you are having trouble with Wake On Wan you can try reviewing the solutions in this topic. Good luck.
  7. I think you forgot to post the links
  8. Hello Jonah, Try importing it manually: Run mmc.exe File -> Add / remove snap-in. Double click on Certificates from the left list On the popup select Computer Next -> Finish -> Ok Double click on certificates item from the mmc window. Double click on Personal Category. Select Certificates item From menu, select Actions -> All actions -> Import Try importing the certificate using that wizard. Make sure you mark the key as exportable. Hope this helps, Paul.
  9. I've finished implementing implementing the new plugin version however I am not officially releasing it until I've done enough testing and I would like to add firewall monitoring too. Here is the BETA version that contains some new API features, correct notification messages and the ability to enable and disable overall plugin notifications from the mobile client. It requires Agent Version 3.4.1+. Download link: removed . Paul
  10. Well Microsoft did bundle them into one product, right? Also would you rather purchase an appliance than a software solution? Happy new year btw.
  11. Having an appliance that contains the monitoring gateway doesn't change much to Mobile PC Monitor's current solution: Mobile Client -> RHUB -> End Client Mobile Client -> PC Monitor Enterprise Server -> End Client I believe that Remote Desktop will be a great addition to PC Monitor and I don't think it will influence it's price too much, but hey let's see what happens. Just a curiosity what do you prefer? On Premises vs Cloud Hosting? Can you explain your decision? I like keeping a lot of things hosted in the Cloud due to the bad internet connection I get but this is just my mumbojumbo, what about you guys?
  12. Not yet, due to some priorities I had to postpone the release date for my plugins but I will make myself time for them this week. Thank you for your patience.
  13. Paul

    WOL using 3g

    Is your router still connected to your internet after you shutdown your computer? You need it to be 24/7 online for this to work, also make sure that you got an Unlimited data plan with your network operator unless you are willing to pay a lot of money .
  14. Hello, From PC Monitor manager, Notifications tab you can enable offline notification. Now if your pc goes offline for about 15 I think you will get a notification on your phone.
  15. I'm not so sure about Powershell being installed. If you run powershell from cmd will it start? Also please run this in powershell and let me know the output: echo ([PSObject].Assembly.Location) You can also try moving away from PC Monitor's installation folder the System.Management.Automation.dll which will force PC Monitor to use the one in your GAC. If this doesn't fix let me know what operating system type you got (x64 or x86) and what type of installer you used for PC Monitor (x32 or x64). Hope this helps.
  16. Try a manual install of powershell on that machine.
  17. Paul

    Happy Holidays

    I wish you all holidays rich in joys, loats gifts, beloved people around and A Happy New Year! Paul
  18. Hello Simon, The error is kind of vague so let's try to see what's going on. Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\WindowsPowerShell note down the subfolder names and let me know if inside each folder there is a file called: System.Management.Automation.dll like this: v1.0 - Dll file exists 3.0 - Dll file exists Open PC Monitor Manager. Go to Settings tab. Go to Diagnostics subtab. Make sure that diagnostic logging is enabled by clicking the Enable Diagnostic Logging button (Click Yes on the warning that shows). Apply your changes. Take your mobile device, open PC Monitor, go to the PC you enabled diagnostic logging and try running Power Shell again. You will notice again the error but inside the PC Monitor's installation folder you will find a file called trace.log . Open up the log file and copy and past it's contents here in a reply (please remove any personal information that the log may contain). Turn off diagnostic logging in PC Monitor Manager and save your changes. Happy Holidays, Paul.
  19. Paul

    NAS plugin

    PCMonitor for Windows does not support ARM devices thus no plugins, but you can try installing PCMonitor for linux that run on java vm which supports ARM.
  20. Well Group Policy covers a good bit of features but in some cases you must do it by hand.
  21. Or you could use the Dashboard application to remotely modify the configuration of each online monitored computer.
  22. Group Policies are also covered in the user manual. Take a look .
  23. Paul


    Hello, Basically you would like to get a graph with overall statistics on groups / all monitored assets based on some sort of a filter like <20% & >60%. Not sure why would be an interest to anyone a reporting feature like that since you will only look at it once and gain nothing from it. Such overall data on a graph don't say much in my opinion. What do you plan on doing with such graphs?
  24. Paul

    NAS plugin

    It would be recommended that you forward the wol port on a computer. This way you power-on when you need a wol gateway. Also, if you're interested in hacking a device that can do this, you can use a Raspberry Pi with PC monitor installed on it, low power and cheap solution.
  25. Try to allow all entries to the computer on UDP 9.
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