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    New Jersey
  1. I'm getting the following message when testing my connection on the outbound email setup. Does anyone have any suggestions? Error! Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Service unavailable, Client host [] blocked using Spamhaus. To request removal from this list see https://www.spamhaus.org/query/ip/ AS(1440) [DM6NAM10FT050.eop-nam10.prod.protection.outlook.com]
  2. I just found a way to enable the outbound email feature using O365. I had to go into the exchange settings in O365 and add a connector for psa.pulseway.com
  3. WYE, what are you using as server for O365? Inbound and Outbound.
  4. Wye, in regards to parser setup, I followed your suggestion to change the Mailbox name, Email and Username to be all the same. The changes were not passing the test phase. if I try 993 with SSL and 143 for TLS and still cannot pass connection test
  5. Wye, I tried all your suggestions but still did not work. For the outbound section I tried port 587 for both TLS and SSL and still failed. below is screenshot of error message.
  6. I am currently unable to connect the e-mail parser to new company email. We changed from Google Gsuite to Office 365, but none of the configuration settings work. I am seeing the following message when testing connection. Aside from the issue of "$" in the password. Is there anything else I can be running into? Do they not support StartTLS? I have issues with outbound email setup as well as Email Parser. There is a pic of screen with error messages and config parameters.
  7. I am currently unable to connect the e-mail parser to new company email. We changed from Google Gsuite to Office 365, but none of the configuration settings work. I am seeing the following message when testing connection. Aside from the issue of "$" in the password. Is there anything else I can be running into? Do they not support StartTLS? I have issues with outbound email setup as well as Email Parser. There is a pic of screen with error messages and config parameters.
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