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    New York
  1. We use powershell scripts within Pulseway to do this often. I use the registry to keep track of custom installs for non-msi applications. I'll DM you here.
  2. You can do this, but need psexec and Windows is not designed to really do this. It's a security flaw since each user session is supposed to be a controlled session. That said, the below works for me (with a copy of psexec somewhere on the machine .... can copy to anywhere on machine via script). #Add command to copy psexec to computer Copy-Item -Path \\server\share\psexec.exe -Destination C:\scripts\psexec.exe #Get the console user session ID $session = tasklist /fo CSV | findstr Console ; $session = $session.Split(",")[3] ; $session.split('"')[1] #Launch notepad via session variable & .\psexec.exe -s -i $session notepad.exe Again, this is a security flaw and some apps may not work as well as notepad does but it does work.
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