Yes, you can have 1 account for the client and many contacts for each person. You can assign things to accounts and then assign it to a corresponding contact.
Not sure how many people use 3CX for their phone systems, but our company utilizes the system and have recently adopted Pulseway as well. As a result, I have developed a plugin for 3CX Windows Client that opens a ticket as you pick up the phone from an incoming call. I have included the source code for reference if anyone else has a need for it.
Create a new project. Select C# Language and create a new “Windows Class Library” project.
Ensure that the project targets .NET Framework 4.5.1
Add a reference to the library “MyPhoneCRMIntegration.dll” installed with 3CXPhone for Windows (usually C:\ProgramData\3CXPhone for Windows\PhoneApp).
Rename Class1.cs to PulsewayTicketPlugin.cs and replace the code with the following:
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace _PulsewayTicketPlugin
public class PulsewayTicketPlugin
// Initialization of Variables
private static PulsewayTicketPlugin instance = null; // Holds the instance
private MyPhonePlugins.IMyPhoneCallHandler callHandler = null; // Holds the handler
private static MyPhonePlugins.CallState lastStatus = MyPhonePlugins.CallState.Undefined; // Holds the last relevant phone status
// Called upon loading 3CX Client
public static void Loader(MyPhonePlugins.IMyPhoneCallHandler callHandler)
// Create a new instance of the plugin
instance = new PulsewayTicketPlugin(callHandler);
// Constructor for plugin, to add event handler
private PulsewayTicketPlugin(MyPhonePlugins.IMyPhoneCallHandler callHandler) {
this.callHandler = callHandler;
// As the status of the call changes, process the changes
callHandler.OnCallStatusChanged += new MyPhonePlugins.CallInfoHandler(callHandler_OnCallStatusChanged);
// Processes the status of the call
private void callHandler_OnCallStatusChanged(object sender, MyPhonePlugins.CallStatus callInfo)
// Process the current state
// - If it is ringing, a call is incoming, so we want to monitor it
// - If it has ended, no longer need to monitor it (happens when we end it or someone else picks it up)
// - Don't process other cases, not necessary
switch (callInfo.State)
case MyPhonePlugins.CallState.Ended: { lastStatus = MyPhonePlugins.CallState.Undefined; break; };
case MyPhonePlugins.CallState.Ringing: { lastStatus = MyPhonePlugins.CallState.Ringing; break; };
default: { break; };
// If the phone was ringing and we picked it up, open a new ticket
if (lastStatus == MyPhonePlugins.CallState.Ringing && callInfo.State == MyPhonePlugins.CallState.Connected)
// Windows will automatically use the default application used to open URL's
Build the DLL and place it into the 3CX Phone Directory (C:\ProgramData\3CXPhone for Windows\PhoneApp).
Edit the 3CX Phone Configuration file (C:\ProgramData\3CXPhone for Windows\PhoneApp\3CXWin8Phone.user.config) and add the following:
<add key="CRMPlugin" value="CallNotifier,3CXPhoneTapiPlugin,PulsewayTicketPlugin"/>
Reload your 3CX Windows Client and it should work with the next incoming call!
Our business operates with hundreds of products in our inventory and going through all of them and manually entering them into PSA was not exactly an option, and without an import function, I had to develop an import tool that uses the PSA API. I developed it originally with hard coded parameters, in a single class, but went back today and improved it for distribution to everyone here.
To view the source code, check out the repository at
To download the executable files, download at
Download the Excel template and add your inventory into that sheet. I personally had a Microsoft Surface that I walked around with and inventoried everything.
To change the categories/sub categories, open the "Back End" tab on the sheet and edit those tables to your liking
The only column that isn't required is the UPC Code.
Run the Import Tool
Input your PSA credentials
Type in the full directory to the excel sheet (make sure its closed before running it)
Confirm the number of detected items
Watch the tool work
Make a stock adjustment with the levels of stock for each item (this unfortunately cannot be automated)
It will notify you how many items have successfully been imported and which ones failed (if any) and why.
Please let me know if you have any questions! I will post changelogs if any updates are made.
Looking to have some guidance on the usage of Hardware Assets in PSA Pulseway.
1) Do you guys add in every single asset or just the assets tracked by the finance dept? Every single asset includes kensington locks, keyboards, power cables...
1A) Should it be Single Asset? Would you duplicate the record for each asset? e.g. If i had 5 x kensington locks. What do i do there (best practice) ?
2) How do we check-out assets to the corresponding Contact? Assuming we want to assign a particular lock to a particular contact/person?