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Everything posted by jusmax

  1. Good Day, Does anyone else have an issue with the bottom panel missing on any of their Windows 11 agents? I cannot access the "Click here to allow changes", "Import Settings", "Export Settings" or the Knowledge Base buttons. I am seeing it on other agents. We uninstalled the Pulseway agent several times, deleted the program files and even cleared the Registry PC Monitor password values and even after re-installation it does not re-appear. Can anyone tell me if there was a change in the agent or something that needs to be done to restore visibility, thanks.
  2. Good Day, Isn't this package deprecated due to issues with the Heartbleed bug? Are there any plans to have the agent use an updated library or is this an issue with Raspbian? By the way, thanks for this, it helped a lot.
  3. Hi, I was in the same position as you, but I also needed to connect to Android and iOS devices to assist some of my clients with their Mobile devices. I looked at ScreenConnect, Teamviewer and a couple others. I eventually settled with Splashtop SOS in addition to the Pulseway RDP. It is very cost effective and works very well. If you are looking at a cheaper alternative (free), Chrome Remote Desktop might be your answer. It works for Mac as well, but not for mobile device access, not yet anyway. Hope this helps.
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