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  1. +1 - happening to me too (Ubuntu 22.04)
  2. Hi I run Domoticz on a Raspberry Pi and have this successfully being monitored by Pulseway. I am now also using the BA-Bridge software which runs as a java process. Can anyone tell me how to configure Pulseway to monitor this and be able to re-start it if it should fail? The process is started by having /etc/rc.local call a script that does this: nohup java -jar -Dserver.port=8090 -Dconfig.file=/home/pi/habridge/habridge.config /home/pi/habridge/ha-bridge-3.5.1.jar > /home/pi/habridge/habridge-log.txt 2>&1 & Thanks
  3. Hi I've been using Pulseway on Windows for some time now and it's great. I now have a Raspberry Pi that I'm using to run my Domoticz home automation system, and want to use Pulseway to monitor that too. I have Pulseway installed on the Pi and it's working fine, but I can't quite figure out how to setup monitoring of the Domoticz process correctly. The Domoticz service is started using the command: sudo service domoticz.sh start The process it runs is (from a ps -ef ): /domoticz/domoticz -daemon -www 8089 -log /domoticz/domoticz.log I've set this up in the config.xml, but am not entirely sure what to put for the following parameters: IsDaemon - NONE, SYSVINIT, UPDATE or SYSTEMD? Path - I've tried /domoticz/domoticz? StartParameters - copied from the ps -ef output above CanBeStopped - tried True and False I always seem to get an alert saying that the process/service is stopped, when it is clearly running. What is the correct way to configure this? Thanks
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