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Posts posted by Chris

  1. Hi,


    Welcome to the Pulseway community.


    Try running "lodctr /r" (without quotes) into an administrative command prompt (make sure you run cmd as a local administrator) and then restart the system. Let us know if this solves the problem.




    Pulseway Support

  2. Hi,


    From my understanding, ASUS Zenfone 2 runs Android 5.0 (Lollipop) which is supported by Pulseway. Can you send a screenshot from what message you're seeing on the Play Store?




    Pulseway Support

  3. Hi Serge,


    Pulseway doesn't store historical information at this moment but this is on our internal roadmap. Unfortunately we can't provide an ETA just yet.




    Pulseway Support

  4. Hi,


    Unfortunately, BSD agent is not ready yet. We've focused on building a Remote Desktop module for Pulseway which was one of the most popular feature requests we've had. Rest assured as we will support BSD in the future.




    Pulseway Support

  5. Hi Martin,


    This is a good idea, but until this is implemented you can use the Pulseway Dashboard to achieve what you asked. From the Dashboard settings page you can enable windows RDP and you'll have to option to connect with Pulseway RD and RDP (which you can configure to connect to a custom port).




    Pulseway Support

  6. Hi,


    We've contacted Veeam to get more information about a possible integration, however we haven't heard back from them yet. We will keep you posted with updates when we have them.




    Pulseway Support

  7. Hi Rasmus,


    Please note that we release the 4.7.5 agent and it will propagate to the Pulseway Enterprise servers in the following 48 hours. The fix applies for Windows Server 2003 too.




    Pulseway Support

  8. In order to import a Pulseway configuration file you need to start PCMonitorManager (Pulseway Manager) from Pulseway's installation directory with the following parameters:

    PCMonitorManager.exe /config=C:\Configuration\NoPassword.pcmcfg

    If the exported configuration file contains the account details then you need to provided the configuration password as well:

    PCMonitorManager.exe /config=C:\Configuration\WithPassword.pcmcfg /configpassword=s3cr3tpassw0rd

    Note: The PCMonitorManager will not provide any console output or custom exit codes based to indicate the success of the operation.

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