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  1. Does it auto update? if not how do i get the update?
  2. i was following the setup for the new HTML5 web interface, and the part of the instructions say to edit the c:\hosting\app\web.config file, but it doesn't exist on my installation. Looks like i'm running Version 4.8.0 build 904
  3. all agents are configured, and i set them all up and logged in with my account. if i create a new user that i want to receive notifications, there is no way for them to change their password, except by typing it in on my keyboard. This is the problem
  4. i don't understand how that helps the user change their own password? i have all agents configured, so, if i want to add a new user for whatever reason, they have to come type their password on my machine when i create their account, i can't see any way for a user to change their own password, unless they do it from the agent, which doesn't make sense since the agents are already configured. why can't they change it through the web portal or one of the many apps?
  5. that is one way, but i have all agents already configured
  6. When i create a user account, i like to create a temp password for the user to then be able to change it. I don't see any way of doing this in the enterprise solution. Am i missing it somewhere?
  7. enterprise installation is forcing me to delete the default website in IIS, why is this? i cannot, do not want to do this as there are windows services that use it. how can i get around this problem?
  8. well i never received it, would of been nice if you put the whole email in here, would of helped myself and probably many others
  9. well, i contacted support 2 days ago to move my enterprise license to a new server, and haven't heard anything yet. this is not very good support if you ask me.
  10. i can't believe this is still and issue, yes i know you say it's not, but i can login with any other version of the pulseway client on my LAN except for the windows 8 app, so your telling me it's a DNS issue, then why does it only affect windows 8 app?
  11. it's the exact error message from the first post, thats all it says. i have tried the local IP and the FQDN and it's the same no matter what. i will send an email, but the error message is no different than whats posted in the first post.
  12. was this ever fixed? because i am now having this issue as well. everything worked fine yesterday and now it doesn't. i'm suppose to demo this today and now i can't, figures.
  13. it seems to me that i can't even use a self signed cert for the trial to test out the software? i don't understand this logic? or am i doing something completely wrong?
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