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On Mountain Lion I start the App and nothing happens.

Gary Caldwell

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Hello . I'm also having this situation , but i'm running OSX 10.9 Mavericks . When i click PCmonitor , it asks to install helper, so i click to install, but after that , nothing happens .


On Console this is the message that appears :


Dec  2 21:56:11 Chronos launchdadd[25470]: FAILURE: Could not submit job to launchd.
Dec  2 21:56:11 Chronos launchdadd[25470]: FAILURE: Job com.mobilepcmonitor.PCMonitorHelper could not be installed from /Applications/PC Monitor.app/Contents/Library/LaunchServices/com.mobilepcmonitor.PCMonitorHelper, reason 2.
Dec  2 21:56:11 Chronos PCMonitorUI[25535]: Failed to bless helper
Any help would be appreciated .
Best regards
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Can you, please, try this: check if any PCMonitor .crash file under Diagnosis and Usage Information. Then, as superuser (sudo su -) do a "manual uninstall":


launchctl remove com.mobilepcmonitor.PCMonitorHelper

rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mobilepcmonitor.PCMonitorHelper.plist

rm -rf /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.mobilepcmonitor.PCMonitorHelper

rm -rf /var/root/Library/Application\ Support/PCMonitor/

rm -rf /Library/LaunchAgents/com.mobilepcmonitor.PCMonitorAgent.plist


After this, download latest version from site and install it.



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Hello Mark . 


No crash file was created when i attempt to run the application . I also tried the "manual uninstall", with new install with the latest version, also with no success . The thing is it fails to install the pcmonitor helper .

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Can you, please, try this:

1. close PCMonitor (Hide option from context menu)

2. open Terminal and type:

sudo launchctl remove com.mobilepcmonitor.PCMonitorHelper

3. open Console and clear it

4. open PCMonitor agent.

6. copy and send Console output (check as well if any PCMonitor .crash file under Diagnosis and Usage Information) to support@pulseway.com. (please do not post console output here - may contain sensitive data)



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Can you, please try this:


When hangs, go to Activity Monitor and search for PCMonitor and com.mobilepcmonitor.PCMonitorHelper processes.

Right click on them and create Sample Process.

Send them to support@pulseway.com.




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