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I'm using the API to get a list of IP addresses in order to whitelist those IP's in the Linux iptables firewall rules.  This process works fine on an unrestricted server.  The server I'm working with is very restricted, so it isn't able to communicate with the api.  

For example, our pulseway address is http://company.pulseway.com which translates to

I added the following into iptables.save:

-A INPUT -i eth0 -s -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -d -j ACCEPT

I test outbound communications by running the following:

telnet 443 and it connects so I'm assuming it's the inbound communication.  My assumption is this isn't working because the IP returning the data is different than the IP that the data is sent to.  Let me know if I can get the list of IP's so I can whitelist in our iptables.




  • Administrators

Hi @spinto,

We use load balancers for high availability. Make sure you add all IP addresses that are resolved by the DNS lookup to your whitelist.


  • 8 months later...

Is there a domain name I can whitelist instead of whitelisting a bunch of IPs? There's gonna be a time where you really need to remote in and just because the IP changed, the remote access won't work. 

  • Administrators

Pulseway doesn't require any ports to be opened in inbound. We only use 443 in outbound. I'd suggest whitelisting the Pulseway executables in the firewall.


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