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Pulseway Install Unraid -:- How to do it assistance plz


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Hi Here I'm new so please be kind.


I have gone trough the installation process outlined in a YouTube video to install the Slackware variant of pulseway onto Unraid.  Unraid = latest RC2 6.something.

By the error I  understand something is missing. 

Error -:- /etc/pulseway# /etc/rc.d/rc.pulseway start
Starting Pulseway Daemon ... /usr/sbin/pulsewayd: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0.9.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


In the YouTube video it all works fine, obviously the Linux dependencies are met in the Video.


It would seem that a library is missing.

YouTube Video -:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnIkCuoOmQc


Can you help fix the problem?

Is install instructions available for Unraid... ? I did search the forums and could not find any.


Perhaps it could be installed as a Docker/Plugin?




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Hi @oOSGearOo,

Thank you for contacting us. If you have managed to install the Pulseway agent on this system, then the next step is to use the pulseway-registration executable in /usr/sbin folder to register this agent with your Pulseway account.

Please let us know how it goes.

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  • 11 months later...

Hello I assume you are running an older unRAID RC2 as they havent had one of those in a while now...I advise you upgrade to the latest stable unRAID which is currently 6.8.2.

once done follow the first part of the youtub video to get Pulseway downloaded and installed you will need to edits your unRAID go file as unRAID reads in ram so any downloads and configs will be lost if not stored on the USB drive and copied to ram during boot up.

I can confirm this works on all 3 of my unraid servers

with unRAID 6.8+ this is what you will need in your go file, you can edit the go file in the unRAID gui by going to Tools, Config file editor and clicking the drop down and clicking on the go file in the list. add the code below to your go file at the end if you wish

on unRAID 6.8+  'go' file should read

#Pulseway Setup
cp /boot/pulseway/config.xml /etc/pulseway/config.xml
cp /boot/pulseway/pulseway.id /var/pulseway/pulseway.id
#Pulseway Start
/etc/rc.d/rc.pulseway start


Edited by Can0n
added some details
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