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Uninstalling Agent for Windows Server 2008

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I've been trying to uninstall pulseway from Windows Server 2008 (not R2) from our fileserver since it is having issues with pulseway. I want to uninstall the agent and reinstall it but I cannot remove it. What are the steps to removing it? I cannot find it in program and features and I have tried by deleting the service and the folder but no luck.

  • Administrators

Hi there,

Run as an admin:

net stop "PC Monitor"
taskkill /f /im PCMonitorSrv.exe
del "c:\Program Files\Pulseway\watchdog.bat" 2> NUL
sc delete "PC Monitor"
taskkill /f /im PCMonitorManager.exe
taskkill /f /im pcmontask.exe
taskkill /f /im PulsewayAddonManager.exe

You should be able to reinstall the Pulseway agent now.


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