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Random Login/Logoff alerts

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hi Guys,

I'm loving this software! But i have a few minor issues...

Last night I enabled Notification of Logon and Logoffs... After a few Windows RDP sessions to the computers and "X'ing" out of the rdp session (I need them to stay logged in)..I am now receiving random notifications of that "The administrator" logged in... and the administrator logged off... These notification are very random...

So now I have to just leave that notification off for now.

Is this a known issue? Is there a fix? Am I doing something wrong?

Please advise.

Thank you!


Don't think it is an issue - are you running some tasks that log in as administrator? We are monitoring all interactive sessions and when we find a new one we send a notification.


Thanks for the reply. I don't have any tasks on that server that log in as administrator. Administrator just stays logged in under the console session to run some interface apps. For now, I've just disabled logon and logoff notifications.

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