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Possible to Monitor Text-Based Log Files?


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Hey Guys - 


First, I love your product - especially the iPad interface.  Thanks for the constant updating and addition of new features!  I have a question about something that I've tried to locate, but don't know if it's offered.  It would be an incredible feature if so...


On my home server, I run a few python-based webapps as well as a few other services.  Most of these all write to individual text-based log files (one or more) which are in various paths on the PC.  


Is it possible to set the Pulseway agent up to monitor a log / text-based file in a specific path - and/or - all log / text-based files in a specific path?  If so, great!  If not, below are the things I'd want to be able to do with them:

- Label each log file / path of files as a specific application

- Be able to view files from dashboard / app

- Enter keywords to scan for

- If key words are found, receive a notification / alert


Again, I don't know if even the first part of this is possible currently.  If it is, please help me locate it.  If not, I'd love to see it in a future release (like tomorrow? :))  




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Hey there,


I'm using Pulseway to monitor my error log files (maybe you can edit your scripts to write only errors to the file you ask Pulseway to monitor) and send me a notification whenever the file changes. This way you will be able to open Pulseway on your mobile device and tail the error log file to view the error you are looking for. Pulseway doesn't know to filter notifications by keywords (as of now) but you can have your script only write to the Pulseway monitored log file if it contains the keywords you are looking for.


This may be a workaround but at least you get the job done :lol: .


Good Luck!

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