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ping / latency monitoring on a schedule


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Hi All,


I can see pulseway can do a ping but this appears to be a continuous thing.


I'd like to do a ping every X minutes or hours and then alert if latency is greater than X ms.


Is there a way to do this?





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  • 4 months later...

Would like to find out this status on this: "ping every X minutes" to the server or IP's - there have been many times when Microsoft or AV updates happen and causes stations to be dropped from the network and cant get back to the server. And my phone rings off the hook. The stations still sees the Internet, just not the server (blocked). if  I was notified.... I can put out the fires before grim reaper knocks.... Just this morning there was a AV update and somehow  the FW was updated and block all my stations from the server.... go figure....

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