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Posts posted by Paul

  1. As far as I know Mobile PC Monitor does not support (at the moment) any customization at encryption levels. Rest assured that all your data is safely stored.

    Also if you are interested in extra security for your account you can implement: Device Access Policies (that allow only specific devices access your account or specific computers), Computer Device Filters (that permit blacklisting or whitelisting devices on that specific computer), IP Restrictions (for Web Application and Dashboard app) and the famous Two-Step-Authentication (requires you to input an OTP (One Time Password).

    Being new to the community I recommend you to take a look at some community based plugins and comment them if you have time ( ^_^ ).


  2. Hello Mike,

    A quick tutorial on how to get everything started is posted here by Marius. Basically there are four main steps:

    • Download ( a wget will suffice )
    • Install ( a simple ./install should do the trick, make sure you have the latest jdk )
    • Configure ( vim vi or your favorite editor the configuration file which is located in /install/path/conf/config.xml )
    • Run ( /install/path/bin/pcmonitor start )

    Good luck,


  3. Hello,

    Basically you are saying that if you open up each computer and issue a Wake Up command, everything will work and if you browse a Group containing the same computer you previously succeeded into waking up, issue a Wake Up All Computers command nothing happens?

    If so, have you tried performing the same test using a mobile device?

  4. I think this is covered in the manual too, but here is an a short description:

    Maintenance mode disables all notifications on the computer. While maintenance mode is enabled you don't get notifications from that computer until you disable it.

    Hope that makes sense,


  5. Viewing the S.M.A.R.T. data of a device can give you insight of hardware statistics and status, for instance my SSD gives me two counters for the amount of GB read and written and remaining life of the drive. On my HP SmartArray 430 I get RAID status and Raid health. Just google for smart values and I'm sure you will understand.

    The problem with SMART is that each manufacturer uses it's own set of value types and it's almost impossible of knowing each value id what it means, for instance SMART value id 55 can mean three different things if read on three different manufacturers.

    Also if SMART get's tripped you know if the drive is faulty and requires replacement.

  6. Hello knoxlogic,

    Just some quick sanity checks:

    • You have an active subscription on your account.
    • You activated Screen View and Webcam View from PC Monitor Manager.
    • You did not uncheck 'Screens' and 'Webcam' from the 'Available Features' tab in the PC Monitor Manager.
    • You look at the same computer using PC Monitor mobile app or Web Application.

    Can you confirm that all those are true?


  7. Hello,

    You will eventually need to manually install or use a deployment strategy to deploy the agent on your network. After you have deployed your agent you can use Group Polices (consult the user manual to see how they work) to provide some starter configuration, then you can modify it with the Dashboard application from one centralized place.


  8. Well rather than asking for more you can buy yourself a subscription and get all those subscriber features too such as server modules and now web app.

    It's a good price to be honest and I think you would be actually doing yourself a favour by taking it.

    If you really want a free solution use the Windows 8 app to manage your computers.

  9. Hello,

    This is a good question but in a bad context. As I've seen in the news post they have taken down the Web App because of a server upgrade and to ensure quality of service for current subscribers. I understand this decision and I am happy that it happened to be honest.

    Recently they have increased the number of computers you can monitor for free from three to five thus allowing you to do more for free. This has been done only to perform a favor to it's free users that don't want to spend money on a tool that keeps them connected with their PCs because we all know that if a company needs more computers to monitor they buy more licenses with no problem. However the decision on taking down the Web Application for free users must have been tied to the computer limit upgrade because they are trying to balance these two types of memberships and to offer high quality service and 99% uptime to everybody and we all know this is not an easy thing to do if your giving away everything for free.

    In other words asking for a date when this decision will change is out of the discussion because I'm sure if it would've been possible to keep it going there would have been no reason to take it off. Try to understand that now the decision has been made there is no way knowing when this will revert.


  10. Hello,

    If you don't want to be notified about windows updates you can always disable them from the Windows Agent. At this moment it isn't possible to mark as read or anotate a notification, however on the Roadmap is planned a Notification Report for PC Monitor Enterprise Server and I think the possibility of archiving notifications will become possible at that time.


  11. Bravo, looks great and professional at the same time!

    I have no background in NoSQL technologies, can you tell me what makes it different from other transactional database engines? I'm always curious about new stuff and I'm interested in anything that's beating the performances of the tools I currently use.

    I will try out your plugin in the weekend, this has made me really curious.

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