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Continu IT Solutions

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Posts posted by Continu IT Solutions

  1. Would it be possible to add the current logged in user for each pc to the header info that shows in the middle panel. We manage several hundred pcs and the computer name of ASSET-1234 does not tell us whos using it at that time. Most end users do not know their computer names. So trying to find the computer a user is on is sometimes difficult. Having this info at hand in the search list would help that a lot.

    i am only thinking this information for workstations, servers could potentially have multiple users logged in at the same time and this information would not be as useful (not to mention not enough space)

    I have included a mockup of one way this could be done.

    Also adding the ability to search for a current logged in user would be helpful.

    pulseway suggestion.png

  2. there is a permission issue in Patch Management

    I have granted a user defined group the ability to modify policies Checked the box Patch and View Policy and Edit Policy are checked.


    The user can go in and under actions can click on edit and modify the policies, they can also create new policies, but upon hitting save gets a popup message saying Error You do not have permission to edit global policies. The only users that can seem to save any policies have to be in the administrators group.

    I have to assume this is a bug.

    We are using the Pulseway hosted dedicated server product, not on site.


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