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Everything posted by dtoxic

  1. dtoxic

    Ping Info Bug?

    Once you click on a computer the main info sections (particularly the Ping round trip time) is stuck in "Loading..." and does not display ping info,once you enter it you can see the ping graf,going back no change and still it shows "Loading..." Samsung S10+ Android 11 Pulseway version 9.4.1 Agent version on Windows 9.5.1
  2. Hell,can some one explain to me what pulsewayaddonmanager.exe is/does? and is there a way to disable it? i noticed after the last update one more running process witch i don't need if it can be disabled and view just the basic info about my pc
  3. dtoxic

    Agent 7.0 crash

    This one is fixed! you can close this,thank you!
  4. This one is Fixed Agent 8.6.1 P.S maybe even before this version (did not check)
  5. So Pulseway started spamming my event log with the following Message "Received Request Execute addon command '1.32.-2' from device Id: 'Agent'" Here are the Eventlog messages other than that everything is working fine
  6. dtoxic

    Agent 7.0 crash

    Just to let you know this crash is still present in 7.5.1
  7. Here is a script for Powershell to set the pc to autologon one time [configurable] after restart, with a 15 sec delay Someone may find it handy Copy paste into Powershell ISE or txt and then rename to *.ps1 Tested on Windows 7 X64 $RegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" $DefaultUsername = "Insert Username Here" $DefaultPassword = "Insert Password Here" Set-ItemProperty $RegPath "AutoAdminLogon" -Value "1" -type String Set-ItemProperty $RegPath "DefaultUsername" -Value "$DefaultUsername" -type String Set-ItemProperty $RegPath "DefaultPassword" -Value "$DefaultPassword" -type String Set-ItemProperty $RegPath "AutoLogonCount" -Value "1" -type DWord Start-Sleep -Seconds 15 ; Restart-Computer -Force
  8. dtoxic

    Agent 7.0 crash

    @Paul here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/zcfx2iyjrqx8x6i/Error and PC Info.rar?dl=0
  9. dtoxic

    Agent 7.0 crash

    Agent 7.0 is crashing on Windows 7 x64 when trying to add notification for Hardware, drop me a PM if you need any more info or logs!
  10. dtoxic

    Older Version

  11. dtoxic

    Older Version

    since this feature is on hold indefinitely, does someone have a link to the last version of windows agent with log in feature?
  12. dtoxic

    Login feature missing

    would like to know this too, currently,pulseway is useless for me
  13. dtoxic

    Older Version

    Ok, thank for the info!
  14. dtoxic

    Older Version

    *bump* anyone?
  15. dtoxic

    Older Version

    Hi where can i download an older version of Pulseway Agent, the new version removed the login feature, but on windows 7 it works ok for me and i need that, the last version i think was 6.1.1 agent for windows that had the login feature
  16. Thx, that would be great!
  17. I know what it does, and no ,no particular reason i just remove any task i do not need includin a bunch of Microsoft default ones (call it OCD :D) just wanted to know if there is a way :)
  18. Is there a w way to prevent Pulseway creating the task "PulsewayServiceCheck" that starts Watchdog.bat? i tried removing the task but it;s recreated on every restart, while disabling the task works i would still like if there is (or if it can be implemented in the future) to prevent creation of this task in the task scheduler
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