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Everything posted by Calin

  1. Hello, You have to replace the username and password in this line <Account Username="username" Password="password" UseCustomServer="false" CustomServerAddress="" /> with you're real account information.
  2. Hi Kevin, At the moment you can't , but we will consider implementing this in a future release.
  3. Hi Ruben, The " used here <Proxy Enabled="false" ... are not understood by the agent. Either delete the line or replace the "
  4. Please make sure that in the config file there are no symbols other than ' and " (Take a close look at the Proxy node).
  5. Can you post your config file (replace sensitive info)
  6. Yes , you have to edit the newly created /etc/pcmonitor/config.xml and configure it . Enter username password and other settings , they are all commented in the sample.
  7. Search for this in the config sample <LowHDDSpace Enabled="true"> <Hdd Percentage="20" Path="/" Enabled="true" /> </LowHDDSpace>
  8. Calin


    We will look into this and remove it in the next release.
  9. Hello, From what I can see you can access mobilepcmonitor from the web browser. Please make sure that you don't have any firewalls that block the Pcmonitor service. Also , make sure that proxy settings are correctly configured in PC Monitor Manager -> Settings -> Proxy
  10. Calin

    Ubuntu 4.2.2 Upgrade

    Hello, What happens when you execute : /etc/init.d/pcmonitor start
  11. Hello. Please make sure that the trusted ca's exist in the /etc/ssl/certs folder
  12. Please make sure you have no firewall blocking the application.
  13. Hello, Can you make sure that ca-certificates package is installed on your Raspberry Pi: sudo apt-get install ca-certificates
  14. Hello, Temperature monitoring is not supported in Linux. We will consider adding this feature in a future release.
  15. Hello, Could you please try and open this link in a browser https://wsn.pulseway.com ?
  16. Hello SuperDave1983, Can you send us your config file (without sensitive information) ?
  17. Calin

    Agent dies

    Hi , Can you post the output of: ldd /usr/sbin/pcmonitord ? Also , is there any core file created in /var/pcmonitor ? If so , please email it to us, otherwise first set the core limit to unlimited by ulimit -c unlimited , then try to run the program again and see if the core file appears
  18. Hello , Please install common CA certificates : apt-get install ca-certificate Verify that /usr/libs/ssl/certs contain the certificate list.
  19. Hello, Can you send us the any output in the log produced after you moved the pi in the network , Also can you send us the config you are using (Please replace the sensitive data).
  20. Hello, Please email us your username and we will take a look at this..
  21. Hello, it seems that there are some issues with openssl. Can you post the output for openssl version -a and openssl s_client -CApath /usr/libs/ssl/certs -quiet -connect wsn.pulseway.com:443
  22. So, regarding the the offline thingy , it's indeed cyclic but it's length is dynamic and you cannot change it. From what I see in the logs you have some network issues. (I see a lot of unknown host and timeout errors). The native linux agent is not expected to have a GUI a.t.m, but we do plan to add more features to it.
  23. To start with the questions 1. A device is considered Offline if it doesn't contact the server for a period of time. 2. For ping responses we ping the devices approximately every 15 seconds. You cannot modify this interval. Now for the snags you are encountering ,can you provide more details about your system: What os do you use , result of command uname -a, the config file you are using (remove sensitive information). We log to the daemon facility ,so usually you can find the output by cat /var/log/daemon.log | grep pcmonitor
  24. The offline notification has a critical priority. At the moment you cannot change that priority.
  25. Hi , it seems that there are some issues with openssl client. Can you check again something like : openssl s_client -CApath /usr/libs/ssl/certs -quiet -connect wsn.pulseway.com:443 Also post the output of openssl version -a
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