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  1. Hi Paul, That would explain it, thanks for clarifying the situation and glad it's not me being unable to follow instructions! Thanks
  2. Hi all, I'm trying to follow the guide to starting to program a plug in but I'm falling at the first hurdle. I'm following the guide to "create your first plugin" https://www.pulseway.com/api/clientnet but when I get to where it says "From solution explorer rename "Class1.cs" to "SimplePlugin.cs" and open it. Now we need to add a project reference to our PulsewayClient.dll file which is located in the directory of Pulseway. See Figure B." I cannot for the life of me find a dll called PulseWayClient.dll. I presume it's taking about the installation directory of the pulseway agent, but this file does not seem to exist in any machine that I've checked and for what it's worth figureB does not appear to be of any help at all either. I feel I must be missing something perhaps completely obvious and I hope someone out there and point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance
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