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Posts posted by Chris

  1. Hi David,

    Thank you for your feedback. This is a great idea, would you like this for all items (so you won't navigate from the details page) but only open accordion and display the contents there or support both navigation and accordion?


  2. Hi,

    Pulseway cannot directly monitor RAID arrays however you can use the following tools that redirect RAID events to the event log which Pulseway can detect and notify you.

    For HP you can use the "HP Smart Array Event Notification Service" and for DELL there are built-in event log writers in the drivers (documentation). Also check to see if the RAID Adapter supports SNMP which Pulseway can hook into and monitor the status too.


  3. Hi Guy,

    Welcome to the Pulseway community. The instance_id is a unique identifier for your API instance. This is generally the serial number of the application or some identifier you use to differentiate an application instance from another.


  4. There is no GUI application for the Linux agent. You can configure the daemon by editing the configuration file from: /etc/pulseway/config.xml.sample and then renaming it to config.xml . Service notifications are also configured from the configuration file.


  5. Hi Bastian,

    Thank you for the kind words. You could setup a device access policy for his mobile phone to only give him read-only access to the systems. He will still receive notifications and be able to check the status of systems but no commands will be displayed or allowed from his phone. Check out this blog post.


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